What Is TM1? - IBM
Table Manager 1 (TM1) is a multidimensional, in-memory online analytical processing (OLAP) database with a cell-oriented structure—for example, spreadsheets that allow users to create sophisticated financial models and perform advanced calculations while benefiting from control and governance.
IBM Planning Analytics - Wikipedia
IBM Planning Analytics powered by TM1 (formerly IBM Cognos TM1, formerly Applix TM1, formerly Sinper TM/1 [1]) is a business performance management software suite designed to implement collaborative planning, budgeting and forecasting solutions, interactive "what-if" analyses, as well as analytical and reporting applications.
什么是 TM1?| IBM
Table Manager 1 (TM1) 是一个内存中多维在线分析处理 (OLAP) 数据库,具有面向单元格的结构 - 例如允许用户创建复杂财务模型并执行高级计算,同时受益于控制和治理的电子表格。
为什么大家觉得国外全面预算软件如海波龙好? - 知乎
如:Hyperion的Essbase,Cognos的TM1。 国内则不同,国内的大部分厂商更多的是把全面预算管理软件定位为业务应用,基于交易型系统技术搭建全面预算,功能主要是停留在:“填表单,走流程”这个层面上,而这些功能,有些ERP、OA软件就可以实现了。
BPC Hyperion TM1 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
tm1优势:组件很少,etl和数据管理集成,感觉特别舒服,太有IBM风格。 多Cube设计思路,可以按照业务情况更合理的设计Cube,减少很多无效数据量。 网页端是将excel类似搬上去,开发来说比java快且效果也还不错,但上限也是excel表单的上限,可能还不到。
IBM TM1 介绍 - 慧见科技
IBM TM1 是一个企业规划软件平台,能够改变从目标设定、预算编制到报告、记分卡、分析和预测的整个规划周期。 但是,高度集成Excel、多维数据库、内存计算技术、商业智能等特性,极大拓展IBM TM1应用场景,比如合并报表、财务分析报告、上市公司报表附注、成本管理、产销协同等。 随着越来越多的中国公司选择IBM TM1,它正逐渐被国内企业接受,并促进企业价值迅速提升。 数据按需加载进内存,处理速度极速提升。 系统自带OLAP(联机分析处理)多维数据库,不 …
Connecting Oracle NetSuite to TM1 - Cubewise
Thanks to TM1py, there is no limit to ways to connect IBM Planning Analytics (TM1) with any data source on cloud or on-premise. This article explains the logic to write a Python script to connect Oracle NetSuite with TM1.
Oracle Hyperion Planning VS IBM Cognos TM1 Series - LinkedIn
2016年5月1日 · This is the first post of my Hyperion Planning VS Cognos TM1 series for EPM enthusiasts, the series will talk about key highlights and differences between technologies, compare both products by...
Best Practices for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1) Integration - ACG i
Effective integration of IBM Planning Analytics (TM1) with the existing infrastructure is usually one of the top priorities of organizations looking to use TM1. TM1 has a set of embedded tools that make the integration reasonably straight forward for …
Hyperion vs TM1 Planning - Oracle Forums
2011年9月7日 · Can anyone tell me what are the benefits of using Hyperion Planning (V over TM1 ? The client needs to finalize one of these and I am looking for all the pros which supports Hyperion Planning...