Oracort Paste - Uses, Side Effects, and More - WebMD
It works by reducing the swelling, itching, and pain that can occur with mouth sores. This medication is known as a medium-strength corticosteroid. Do not apply this medication in the eyes or on...
Oracort Dental:用途,副作用,相互作用,图片,警告和剂量
这种药物含有牙膏,可以粘在口腔/脸颊/牙龈内。 它通过减少口腔溃疡可能发生的肿胀,瘙痒和疼痛来起作用。 这种药物被称为中等强度的皮质类固醇。 不要在眼睛或皮肤上使用这种药物。 它只能在口腔内使用。 轻拍或按压(不要摩擦)少量的糊状物到待处理的区域,直到糊状物粘住并形成光滑,光滑的薄膜。 可以使用棉签来施加糊剂。 不要试图涂抹或涂抹糊状物。 这只会导致它变得易碎,颗粒状或砂砾状。 根据您的医生或牙医的指示,在饭后或睡前每天2至3次涂抹于患处 …
Oracort - Uses, Side Effects, Interactions - MedBroadcast.com
Oracort: Triamcinolone belongs to the class of medications called corticosteroids. Triamcinolone dental paste is used to treat inflamed mouth sores and mouth sores caused by injury. It is applied directly to the affected areas of the mouth. It acts by decreasing inflammation and protecting the damaged area from further injury.
Oracort Factsheet, Uses & Common Side Effects | Rexall
Triamcinolone dental paste is used to treat inflamed mouth sores and mouth sores caused by injury. It is applied directly to the affected areas of the mouth. It acts by decreasing inflammation and protecting the damaged area from further injury.
口療妥 ORACORT GEL | 口腔潰瘍膏 | 海運藥房
「口療妥」是一種藥性口腔保護膠劑,為一種粘膠組合,迅速在口腔內形成一層緩和及保護膜,使藥物與患部有長久而緊密的接觸,同時使潰傷的部位不與外界物體接觸 (如食物、舌頭,等等),使痊癒期縮短。 而保護膠劑不會刺激口腔吞服後亦對身體無害。 triamcinolone acetonide 去炎舒松 / 曲安奈德 / 曲安西龍 / 安西諾隆. 請於使用前先向醫生或藥劑師諮詢意見。 網站內之產品資料只供參考,所有資料以門市為準。 口療妥 ORACORT GEL, 輔助治療及暫時緩解由創傷引起的口腔發炎及潰 …
Oracort: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Food Interaction & FAQ
Jan 7, 2025 · Oracort is a corticosteroid with anti-inflammatory properties. These properties are used to treat inflammation in conditions that affect various organs and tissues. Oracort should not be administered as an epidural injection.
Oracort - Pharmasave
Triamcinolone dental paste is used to treat inflamed mouth sores and mouth sores caused by injury. It is applied directly to the affected areas of the mouth. It acts by decreasing inflammation and protecting the damaged area from further injury.
Oracort should be applied at bedtime to permit steroid contact with the lesion throughout the night. Depending on how severe your symptoms are, it may be necessary to apply Oracort two to three times a day, preferably after meals.
ORACORT - myHealthbox
Adjunctive treatment and temporary relief of pain and symptoms associated with oral inflammatory and ulcerative lesions. If you find that some of the information provided is incorrect or you are looking for documents that are not available at this time, you can send a request to our Customer Service. INFORMATION”.
ORACORT Paste Overview - MPI, EU: SmPC - RxReasoner
Oracort (triamcinolone acetonide topical paste, 0.1%), contains the corticosteroid triamcinolone acetonide in an adhesive vehicle suitable for application to oral tissues. Triamcinolone acetonide is designated chemically as 9-fluoro-11β, 16α, 17, 21-tetrahydroxypregna-1, 4-diene-3, 20- dione cyclic 16, 17-acetal with acetone.
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