Oran Berry - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon …
Oran Berries are blue Berries that have a very low chance of producing a Pokéblock +. Oran Berries have a base Berry Powder of 30 and a difficulty of 50. With two players, this Berry will contribute 60 units of Berry Powder at 100% silkiness.
橙橙果(道具) - 神奇宝贝百科,关于宝可梦的百科全书
橙橙果 (日文︰ オレンのみ,英文︰ Oran Berry)是一种 树果, 第三世代 引入。 给 哞哞牧场 的生病的 大奶罐 喂食7个让它恢复精神,牧场主人会赠予 贴纸盒,并开始以 500的价格销售 哞哞鲜奶,女主人则会送出 招式学习器83 (自然之恩)。 HGSS. HP 低于最大HP的 1 ⁄ 2 时发动,回复10HP。 选择1只 同行宝可梦 使用,回复它的10HP。 投出后能够在一段时间内吸引附近的宝可梦,击中宝可梦会导致它更容易发现主角。 进食橙橙果的宝可梦 捕获率 ×2.5,一共需要10口才 …
Oran Berry | Pokémon Wiki - Fandom
3 天之前 · The Oran Berry is a Berry introduced in Generation III. It is the successor of the normal Berry from Generation II. If the holder's HP reaches ½, the Oran Berry is consumed, and the Pokémon's health is increased by 10. It can also be used as a Bag item, which does the same effect to the selected...
Serebii.net ItemDex - Oran Berry
Oran Berry - Lists all details for the item including descriptions and locations across all Pokémon games
树果 - 神奇宝贝百科,关于宝可梦的百科全书
树果 (日文︰ きのみ,英文︰ Berry)是一种在 第三世代 引入的道具 *。 树果十分类似于现实世界里的 水果,它们不仅形态各异,还拥有着不同的 口味 与颜色。 树果可以像水果一样被宝可梦或人类直接食用,并且相当一部分的树果还拥有许多神奇的效果。 如:食用 樱子果 将解除宝可梦的 麻痹 状态;在《Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》中,给野生宝可梦食用 金色蕉香果,就能让其极大冷静下来;在《传说 阿尔宙斯》中,给 阿米 的 小卡比兽 吃 乐芭果,便可以得知该 …
Oran Berry - Pixelmon Wiki
2023年11月3日 · An Oran Berry is a berry that can be given to a Pokémon. In battle, when the holder's HP is at half or less, the Pokémon will consume the Berry, healing 10 HP without wasting a turn.
Oran Berry | Pokémon items - Pokémon Database
Details for the Pokémon item Oran Berry, including added effects and where to find it.
How do I get more Oran berries in Pokemon Heart Gold or Soul ... - Arqade
2014年11月17日 · There are four ways to acquire Oran berries: 1. Catch a Pokémon which carries Oran berries. In HeartGold/SoulSilver, the following Pokémon have a 50% chance to carry an Oran Berry when encountered. Capture them or use a Pokémon with the move Thief or Covet (while carrying no item) to take the berry:
Oran Berry | SM | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University
Oran Berry | SM | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University ... Loading... ...
Oran Berry - Items - veekun
Immediately activates the berry's effect on the target. Inflicts regular damage with 60 power. A hold item that restores 10 HP in battle. When held by a POKéMON, it will be used in battle to restore 10 HP. A Poffin ingredient. It may be used or held by a Pokémon to heal the user by just 10 HP. If held by a Pokémon, it heals the user by just 10 HP.
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