FS9 version of Orbx - The FS2004 (FS9) Forum - AVSIM
2016年11月13日 · I don't post often, and I'm sure all FS9 users have heard of FS9 Evolution, but for those yet to give it a try, I've just installed it and I can say that it's well worth your while. I imagine it needs a fairly decent PC to run to its potential though, however, it does come in two versions, with a 'lite' autogen version too.
ORBX本身面向FSX平台,这个插件将ORBX的高清贴图移植到了FS9。 景色、环境有相当大的改观。 安装非常简单,按顺序运行三个安装程序即可。 这个是贴图还是地形? ORBX(FS200..ORBX本身面向FSX平台,这个插件将ORBX的高清贴图移植到了FS9。 景色、环境有相当大的改观。 安装非常简单,按顺序运行三个安装程序即可。 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1FD.
orbx.5 - The FS2004 (FS9) Forum - The AVSIM Community
2024年11月30日 · Here's the link of ORBXv5 converted for FS9 (Remember it's not an official product): xxxxxxx. As of now, I am no longer using this as now I have a better and more sophisticated thing which is the ORBX FTX Global (FSX version) converted for FS9. I hope you enjoy the ORBXv5 textures! Thank you! Press the like button if this really helped anybody! 😊.
关于ORBX的安装问题 - FSX/FS9 - 模拟飞行论坛
2016年4月14日 · 有关ORBX的安装见过两种帖子,一种说法是:顺序是全球基础包-vector纹理包,景区包(EG,蓝色北美,英伦三岛),机场包;另一种说话是:先装蓝色北美、澳洲,再装基础包... ...
FS9 version of Orbx - Page 2 - The FS2004 (FS9) Forum - AVSIM
2016年11月13日 · I'm so still enjoying my FS9, & still finding so many things to put into it. By the way, my simming PC is my laptop that is about 5 years old & is also used for daily work stuff. It's a 'generic' i5, 4gb ram, 500gb hard-drive.
FS9 | ORBX FTX GLOBAL + FS9EVO + FE9G v1.1 | Test [HD]
2016年12月23日 · Specs: Intel Core i3-5005U CPU @2.00 GhZ. 4GB Ram x64bit processor. Hello there. Today I am testing these environment experience packages for FS9/FS2004. I'll be showing you the Project Airbus...
Home - Orbx
Orbx creates high fidelity scenery and aircraft packages for Microsoft Flight Simulator, Prepar3D, X-Plane and Aerofly FS.
ORBX support and portation of addons into FS9
2019年4月1日 · Classic, I hope Orbx update my scenery for my Amstrad Flight Sim? Ah, the old 8bit Flight Simulator. For me it was the Commodore 64Sublogic "Flight Simulator II".
[FS2004] - ORBX 5.5+ASF256Х256[全球地景包] - 『 FS9插件区
2015年5月11日 · fs9 最好的优化的软件、目前效果最好的全球地景包,让你个fs9有个翻天复地的改变哟
关于ORBX地景兼容问题 - FSX/FS9 - 模拟飞行论坛
2021年4月11日 · 贴子标题说只支持p3d4和5,但是orbx的内容里为啥写着适用于fsx/p3d?是不是fsx也可以用?有的地景写着仅支持p3d4以上....