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Certified Value, Uncertainty & Tolerance Intervals for Au by FA in OREAS 60e. SI unit equivalents: ppm (parts per million; 1 x 10-6) ≡ mg/kg. †This operationally defined measurand meets the requirements of ISO 17034 and all participating laboratories comply with the requirements of ISO 17025.
Certified Value, Uncertainty & Tolerance Intervals for Au by FA in OREAS 60e. SI unit equivalents: ppm (parts per million; 1 x 10-6) ≡ mg/kg. †This operationally defined measurand meets the requirements of ISO 17034 and all participating laboratories comply with the requirements of ISO 17025.
OREAS 60e Au (2.382 ppm) andesite - SCP SCIENCE
OREAS 60e was prepared from coarse reject splits of gold-silver ore samples blended with barren andesite. The gold-silver ore was sourced from the Cracow mine located 500km northwest of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia.
OREAS 60e was prepared from coarse reject splits of gold-silver ore samples blended with barren andesite. The gold-silver ore was sourced from the Cracow mine located 500km northwest of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia. The barren andesite was sourced from the Carboniferous Blair Duguid Hypersthene Andesite intrusive,
Downloads - OREAS
OREAS CRMs Spreadsheet. Excel spreadsheet of all Current and Archived OREAS CRMs showing certified values and stats, methods of analysis, matrices, mineralisation styles, etc (prices not shown), 7 MB
Search - OREAS
CRM Code Principle Certified Values State Matrix Mineralisation Wishlist All Add to Cart; OREAS 20b: Au 4.3ppb: Pd < 1.00ppb: Pt < 5.00ppb: primary
2.38 g/t Au + 4.83 ppm Ag (andesite) OREAS 60e - 60g
OREAS 60e was prepared from coarse reject splits of gold-silver ore samples blended with barren andesite. The gold-silver ore was sourced from the Cracow mine located 500km northwest of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia.
Gold - Silver - Oreas North America Inc.
OREAS 60e - 60g CAD$9.50 each: 2.38 g/t Au + 4.83 ppm Ag (andesite) OREAS 60e - 500g CAD$77.00 each: 4.42 g/t Au + 3.65 ppm Ag (andesite) OREAS 61h - 60g CAD$9.50 each: 4.42 g/t Au + 3.65 ppm Ag (andesite) OREAS 61h - 500g …
Epithermal XRF Set large | XRF | 32 mm | 10 | SE-1000455-020
Product information "Epithermal XRF Set large" The set comes in a Pellet case with foam inlay and silica gel capsules. Epithermal deposits form by hydrothermal fluids circulating through fractures and cracks in rocks at depths of < 1500 m below the Earth’s surface. Cooling of these fluids leads to metal deposition in veins.
OREAS 60e Au (2.382 ppm) andesite - SCP SCIENCE
SCP SCIENCE manufactures supplies and standards for ICP, AA, and XRF analysis plus sample preparation systems including Graphite Block and Microwave Digestion systems. Our Environmental Robotic Analyzers include BOD, COD and TitrEC a pH, EC, Alkalinity Analyzer.