Sagebrush Habitats – Oregon Conservation Strategy
Sagebrush habitats in eastern Oregon are both extensive and diverse, ranging from low-elevation valleys to high mountain areas and from grassland-like shrub-steppe to relatively dense shrublands. In addition, there are many species and subspecies of sagebrush, which are associated with different grasses and herbaceous plants, depending on site ...
Species Spotlight: Big Sagebrush - Oregon Natural Desert …
2023年2月13日 · Native to 14 states, big sagebrush is the most widespread of the Artemisia shrubs and has been classified into several different subspecies that each prefer different habitats across the region. Lower elevation sites with deeper soils support basin big sagebrush — which is easy to recognize by its long, thin leaves and tall, leggy growth form.
Oregon's Sagebrush Species - Oregon Natural Desert Association
Oregon’s high desert is a landscape filled with dramatic contrasts and surprising subtlety. Poetically dubbed the “Sagebrush Sea,” the signature shrub dominates the region. With dry conditions year round, summers are intensely hot and winters bitterly cold. Wildlife certainly don’t have an easy time of it.
Northern Basin and Range – Oregon Conservation Strategy
The Northern Basin and Range ecoregion is sagebrush country. It is Oregon’s slice of the Old West, with rich ranching and farming traditions. The Northern Basin and Range ecoregion covers the southeastern portion of the state, from Burns south to the Nevada border and from the Christmas Valley east to Idaho.
Sagebrush Ecosystems – Rangeland Ecosystems of the Western US
Sagebrush ecosystems are located throughout the Great Basin, but they are considered by many to be an endangered ecosystem due to invasive species proliferation (particularly cheatgrass [Bromus tectorum]), alternations of fire regimes, and land conversion and uses (e.g., urbanization, dryland farming, overgrazing).
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (ODFW’s) sage-grouse strategy identifies core areas of habitat that align with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS’s) PAC habitats. The core area approach uses biological information to identify important habitats with the objective of protecting the highest density breeding areas.
Sagebrush habitats in eastern Oregon are both extensive and diverse, ranging from low elevation valleys to high mountain areas and from grassland-like shrub-steppe to relatively dense shrublands.
Sagebrush wildflowers: From bloom to seed - OSU Extension Service
This poster highlights wildflowers (forbs) common in sagebrush vegetation of the Great Basin. These wildflowers support countless wildlife species, including some species only found in sagebrush ecosystems, such as the greater sage-grouse.
sagebrush and sage-grouse conservation in Oregon, from the SageCon Partnership Annual Summit, October 3-4, 2019. The SageCon Partnership is developing a SageCon Dashboard, which will provide this information and more in 2020. These slides preview the information that will be available in the dashboard. Some data shown here is preliminary.
Sagebrush - Oregon Explorer
Eastern Oregon is home to over 18 million acres of sagebrush steppe. The SageCon Partnership works together to build resilience in Oregon’s sagebrush country for the benefit of wildlife and people. The SageCon Landscape Planning Tool is an interactive web map that provides a one-stop-shop for rangeland data in Oregon.
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