Orgesh - PathfinderWiki
Orgesh is a vaguely humanoid figure with canine legs, a hugely distended belly, and no facial features except an open maw filled with shark teeth. No one alive has seen it for millennia, but its statues are strangely resistant to damage. 4
Orgesh - The H.P. Lovecraft Wiki
Orgesh is a Great Old One that has a vaguely humanoid form consisting of a large distended belly, canine legs, and featureless face that has a maw full of shark teeth. Its hunger is endless, requiring a constant supply of sacrifices to placate the voracious god.
欧格什 - 开拓者2版中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有 …
欧格什是幽暗地域深处黑血之地 [1] 的冰冷油状液体中诞生的第一个衍生物,它是贪婪而又狡猾的,代表着饥饿与炼金术的旧日支配者。 祂很快就抛下了祂的黑血之子后裔们查尔达 [2],毫无征兆地离开了幽暗地域,到别处去追求更大的野心。 尽管如此,仍有许多查尔达继续崇拜着他们那任性的祖先,但同样也有许多查尔达诅咒祂的名字,因为他们认为祂抛弃了他们,而选择了在无光之海 [3] 的黑暗深处找到的新同类。 无面之神的真身是一个畸形的人形生物,长满利爪的双腿从严重 …
Orgeshta - PathfinderWiki
The city of Orgeshta, in the vault of Orv known as the Land of Black Blood, is named after the mysterious deity Orgesh. The city is home to numerous ancient icons of Orgesh. Also known as the City of Piled Stones, it consists of a number of circular towers shaped like beehives.
Orgesh - Deities - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG Database
Orgesh The Faceless God Source Pathfinder #109: In Search of Sanity pg. 70 Pathfinder Wiki Orgesh Details Alignment CE Pantheon Great Old Ones Areas of Concern Alchemy, hunger, subterranean waterways Domains Chaos, Earth, Evil, Water Subdomains Alchemy (Magic)*, Caves, Entropy, Fear, Ice, Metal, Oceans * Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait. Favored Weapon Spear ...
Charda - PathfinderWiki
Chardas are small, heavily armored creatures that live exclusively in the Orvian vault known as the Land of Black Blood. They congregate in small communal groups and capture victims to offer up to their voracious deity Orgesh. 1. Small but very heavily built, chardas stand four feet tall but are very wide and dense for their size.
Creature Codex — Great Old One, Orgesh
2020年4月3日 · Orgesh is an explorer and experimenter by nature, and sees combat as the perfect opportunity to try out new battle tactics and forms. Orgesh’s body is semi-fluid, and it can shape its form into new ways to augment its abilities. Orgesh is naturally blind, but can grow eyes if it requires sight—such eyes form all over its body except on its ...
Deity Details - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG Database
Toggle Theme. Archives of Nethys Deities by Alignment | Deities by Pantheon
Orgesh | Wiki Lovecraft | Fandom
Orgesh (también conocido como el dios sin rostro) es un Primigenio. Fue creado por Wolfgang Baur para el suplemento "Descent into Midnight" del juego de rol Pathfinder en 2009. Orgesh tiene una forma vagamente humanoide que consiste en una gran barriga distendida, patas caninas y una cara sin…
Gruumsh - Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
Gruumsh created the orcs and guided their destiny with the aid of his divine subordinates, ruling over orcish mortals and gods alike as their unquestioned patriarch. [4] [25] Long ago he swore that orcs would rule the world, and since then had driven his people to wage endless holy war in the name of his divine wrath. [20] No! You lie!
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