Did Tolkien ever specify that Orodruin was a volcano?
2015年7月28日 · There above the valley of Gorgoroth was built his fortress vast and strong, Barad-dûr, the Dark Tower; and there was a fiery mountain in that land that the Elves named Orodruin. The Silmarillion V Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age. And in a draft of what would become chapter 2 of Fellowship, Orodruin is referred to as a "fire-mountain":
the lord of the rings - Where was Grond made? Barad-dûr?
2014年1月23日 · @Jimmy Shelter's answer stated (regarding Orodruin, post-One-Ring-making): Potential evidence of a future use of it was for making the battering ram Grond in the War of the Ring. LOTR Wikia contains uncited statement, instead pointing to Barad-dûr :
Why did Sauron specifically choose Mount Doom?
2016年12月15日 · Volcanoes are very rare in Tolkien's mythology; Orodruin is the only one confirmed, and Thangorodrim is often believed to have been one 1 largely because of this passage: Fingon looked towards Thangorodrim, and there was a dark cloud about it, and a black smoke went up; and he knew that the wrath of Morgoth was aroused
How does Gandalf (or anyone) know how to destroy the Ring?
2017年8月5日 · Since it was forged by Sauron in Orodruin itself, it was generally assumed that the One Ring could only be destroyed in the same fire that "created" it. Forging in a real world context literally involves the material to be melted (slightly) first, and then shaped into an object, which is in this case, a Ring.
tolkiens legendarium - What's the tallest mountain in Middle-earth ...
2020年7月30日 · Orodruin, Mount Doom: Still far away, forty miles at least, they saw Mount Doom, its feet founded in ashen ruin, its huge cone rising to a great height, where its reeking head was swathed in cloud. Return of the King, Book VI, Chapter 2: The Land of Shadow. Erebor:... and now they could all see the Lonely Mountain towering grim and tall before ...
tolkiens legendarium - Orodruin erupts before Sam and Frodo …
2017年3月12日 · Okay, so once the ring is destroyed and the ground collapses, you have Merry chanting: "Frodo! Frodo!" Then the camera angle points toward the mountain and you see lava erupt out the top of the
Why did Sauron keep Mount Doom alive after forging of the One …
The reason why he chose it was to use Orodruin for his "sorceries and forgings". Sauron had used Orodruin for these for some considerable time before making the Ring. There's no reason to suppose that he didn't continue to use it afterwards. Potential evidence of a future use of it was for making the battering ram Grond in the War of the Ring.
Why does Sauron face Gil-galad and Elendil at Mount Doom?
2016年10月6日 · I've found nothing in the text (either published or in Tolkien's drafts) to directly support any theory about why Orodruin was the site of the final confrontation. The only thing we're told is that Sauron broke the siege of Barad-dûr, and that he fought Gil-Galad, Elendil, and Isildur on the slopes of Mount Doom.
tolkiens legendarium - The different names of Mordor - Science …
2021年5月13日 · Coming down from Cirith Ungol into Mordor we enter the Plateau of Gorgoroth, the main region of Mordor, in the middle of which rises the Mountain of Fire, Orodruin, or Mount Doom. East of Orodruin is where Sauron's dark tower Barad-dûr is located. North of Gorgoroth, is the "main entrance" into Mordor, the Morannon.
What was Mordor's history before Sauron settled there?
2017年3月12日 · Orodruin and its eruptions - which were not made by Sauron but were a relic of the devastating works of Melkor in the long First Age. The History of Middle-earth XII The Peoples of Middle-earth Chapter XIII: "Last Writings" Notes