ORS-5 Surveillance Satellite - Airforce Technology
2017年9月7日 · The ORS-5 (Operationally Responsive Space-5) is a new space surveillance satellite that has been developed by the Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) Office for the US Air Force (USAF). Also referred to as SensorSat, the satellite was launched aboard the Orbital ATK Minotaur IV space launch vehicle (SLV) from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station ...
ORS-5 (Operationally Responsive Space-5) - eoPortal
2017年4月11日 · The goal of the ORS-5 program is to demonstrate technologies that could prove "good enough" for geosynchronous SSA, create risk reduction opportunities to a future program of record, and develop and demonstrate ORS enablers and principles.
ORS 5 (SensorSat) - Gunter's Space Page
2023年1月28日 · ORS 5 (Operationally Responsive Space 5) or SensorSat is the fifth mission of the ORS program. This satellite will conduct space surveillance as a gap filler for the SBSS Block 10 satellite.
ORS-5 SensorSat - MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Under funding from the U.S. Air Force's Space Rapid Capabilities Office, formerly Operationally Responsive Space (ORS), engineers from the Laboratory's Space Systems and Technology Division and the Engineering Division developed the ORS-5 SensorSat spacecraft for a 3-year mission to continually scan the geosynchronous belt, which at about ...
空间快速响应5号 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki
空间快速响应5号 ORS 5: 国籍: 美国: 研发机构: 麻省理工学院林肯实验室: 任务类型: 科学与教育(空间监测) 轨道高度: 599 km × 604 km: 轨道倾角: 0.02° 运载火箭: 米诺陶4 Orion-38: 发射日期: 2017年08月26日: 发射基地: 卡纳维拉尔角太空军基地 SLC-46: 寿命: 3年: 质量: 140 ...
美空军发射“作战响应空间-5”卫星 - 搜狐
2017年8月31日 · ors-5旨在演示验证能从低地球轨道扫描地球同步轨道带并采集空间态势感知数据的技术。 该卫星将提供空间态势感知能力,与复杂度更高的大型卫星相比,其成本显著降低。
2016年11月22日 · The ORS-5 program demonstrates a low cost small satellite launch capability and autonomous operations via the existing Multi-Mission Space Operations Center ground system architecture.
NASA - NSSDCA - Spacecraft - Details
2017年8月26日 · Also known as SensorSat, the ORS-5 spacecraft will be used for a mission termed space situational awareness (SSA) or space surveillance – monitoring other satellites in orbit.
ORS-5 satellite successfully launched - Los Angeles Air Force Base
2017年8月26日 · The ORS-5 program is designed to deliver timely, reliable and accurate space situational awareness information to the United States Strategic Command through the Joint Space Operations Center. The system enhances space tracking capability, supports the nation's space programs, and bolsters safety of satellites in geosynchronous orbits.
2017年9月4日 · ORS-5卫星. 美空军“天基太空监视卫星”(SBSS Block 10 )在茫茫太空中,它可对地球同步轨道以下、所有直径超过1厘米的目标进行监测和跟踪,包括飞出大气层的远程洲际导弹。