[转载]ORTF立体声录音技术 - 哔哩哔哩
ORTF代表“Office deRadiodiffusion-Television Francaise”,是一种立体声麦克风技术,由法国电台于1960年开发。 与其他流行的立体声录音技术(如X-Y立体声和Blumlein立体声)不 …
ORTF stereo technique - Wikipedia
The ORTF stereo technique, also known as side-other-side, is a microphone technique used to record stereo sound. It was devised around 1960 at the now-defunct Office de Radiodiffusion …
Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française - Wikipedia
In 1950 the ORTF's predecessor, RTF, had been one of 23 founding broadcasting organisations of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). Upon the break-up of the ORTF in 1974, French …
Recording drums — Overheads and the ORTF technique - Audiofanzine
2017年2月22日 · Audiofanzine explains how to approach overheads with the ORTF technique to record drums in your home studio.
Recording Overheads: ORTF vs Spaced Pair - Gearspace
2013年5月1日 · I've personally considered the ORTF technique more probable for jazz/acoustic dates; those where you want to make the overheads the main focus in drums and close mics …
ORTF Microphone vertical angle - Gearspace
2009年10月10日 · ORTF has an optimal pickup angle of 90-degrees. Stand directly behind your mic stand. Look 45 degrees to your right and 45 degrees to your left. The ensemble should fit …
EBU R128音量标准化库:libebur128完全指南 - CSDN博客
2024年8月16日 · libebur128 是一个遵循MIT许可的开源库,专为实现欧洲广播联盟(EBU)制定的R128音量标准化标准而设计。 这个库允许开发者在音频处理应用中执行一致的响度测量和 …
Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française – Wikipédia, a ...
O Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française (ORTF), Ofício de Radiodifusão Televisão Francesa, foi a agência nacional responsável, entre 1964 e 1974, pelo fornecimento de …
ORTF (1973) - YouTube
Taken from, “Jeux Sans Frontieres”. Date of broadcast: 7-4-1973...more.
「サン=サーンス:交響曲全集(ORTFフィル/マルティノン)」(レーベル: Warner Classics - Parlophone)の試聴、全曲再生ができます。