A Physiologically Based Model of Orexinergic Stabilization of …
2014年3月20日 · In one model of mouse sleep-wake behavior by Diniz Behn et al., Orx was modeled as a state-dependent modulation of the inhibition of the VLPO by wake-active neuronal populations using a saturating mathematical form that mimics Orx activation on a timescale of minutes or longer.
腹外侧视前核 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
腹外侧视前区(vlpo)是位于下丘脑前部的一个小神经元群。 [1] [2] 腹外侧视前区是控制人們唤醒与睡眠的神经系统。 [1] [2] 在非快速动眼睡眠期间,腹外侧视前核會释放抑制性神经递质。 [3]
A Physiologically Based Model of Orexinergic Stabilization of
2014年3月20日 · During sleep, both Orx and MA are inhibited by the VLPO, and the subsequent reduction in Orx input to the MA indirectly stabilizes sustained sleep episodes. Simulating a loss of Orx, the model produces dynamics resembling narcolepsy, including frequent transitions between states, reduced waking arousal levels, and a normal daily amount of total ...
你为什么会失眠?窥视大脑睡眠与清醒之间互作 - 生物通
2018年7月23日 · 下丘脑腹外侧视前核(VLPO)在持续睡眠(入睡-保持睡眠)中起关键作用,而下丘脑的侧后部位神经元对保持清醒有用,这些神经元包括LHA脑区的食欲素神经元和TMN脑区的组胺能神经。 睡眠是一个自主过程,并非总是在我们直接、自愿的控制之下。 醒着或睡着,我们通常归属于两个生物调节基本过程:睡眠稳定(sleep homeostasis),即睡眠压力(sleep pressure);另一个过程被称为昼夜节律(circadian rhythm),更广泛的说法也叫生物 …
The Sleep-Promoting Ventrolateral Preoptic Nucleus: What Have …
Twenty-five years ago, Saper and colleagues uncovered a small collection of sleep-active neurons in the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus (VLPO) of the preoptic hypothalamus, and since this seminal discovery the VLPO has been intensively investigated by …
| The ARAS: VLPO, ventrolateral pre-optic nucleus; PeF, …
We demonstrated here that circadian clocks regulate the rhythmicity and magnitude of the vulnerability of DA neurons to oxidative stress in male Drosophila. Circadian pacemaker neurons are...
A physiologically based model of orexinergic stabilization of sleep and ...
2014年3月20日 · During sleep, both Orx and MA are inhibited by the VLPO, and the subsequent reduction in Orx input to the MA indirectly stabilizes sustained sleep episodes. Simulating a loss of Orx, the model produces dynamics resembling narcolepsy, including frequent transitions between states, reduced waking arousal levels, and a normal daily amount of total ...
incorporated the excitation of Orx on wake-active monoamin-ergic neurons (MA) and the inhibition of Orx on sleep-active ventrolateral preoptic neurons (VLPO). By utilizing this sleep model, we were able to replicate normal sleep with a 24-h circa-dian rhythm through circadian drive and homeostatic processes.
2020年6月10日 · 本文探讨了睡眠周期的数学模型,包括生物学层面的视交叉上核(scn)、食欲肽(orx)、睡眠促进核(vlpo)等相互作用。 通过Morris–Lecar和Hodgkin–Huxley模型,分析了睡眠与清醒状态的转换,以及REM和NREM睡眠阶段的交替。
During sleep, both Orx and MA are inhibited by the VLPO, and the subsequent reduction in Orx input to the MA indirectly stabilizes sustained sleep episodes. Simulating a loss of Orx, the model produces dynamics resembling