orz - Know Your Meme
orz (also known as OTL) is an emoticon used to express one's feeling of hopelessness in jest, often as a result of failure. The text visually represents a person kneeling on the ground with face down; "O" represents the head, "R" as the arms and "Z" as the torso.
Meaning of “orz”? Is it a slang? emoji? - Just a little Japanese
2017年7月19日 · “Orz”, which instantly looks like an abbreviation of some English word, was born in Japan and has recently begun to be used in other countries. Originally, on a personal news site and community site around 2002, when someone asked a question about the cable, they responded with “_| ̄| " to represent the cable layout using letters.
orz - Urban Dictionary
2004年5月10日 · orz is used in Japan's net-slang terms. "orz" is used to show when you are in a quick depression and sad or have given up on something. How it came to be this is that orz looks like a person on his hands and knees with their head handing lowly, much like commonly seen in depressed anime characters.
我问一下各位只友们,女生发orz什么意思呐? - 知乎
2019年9月1日 · ORZ,你把O看作人的头,把Z看成人的腿。 这样子看,ORZ这三个字母难道不像一个人双膝跪地,手撑着地面,一副要磕头的样子? 如果还不理解,一幅图帮你理解:(图源网络) 如果这样都还不理解, 那我只能ORZ了。 我所知道的Orz的意思来源于以前的同桌,每次她的结束语都是Orz,她告诉我这个就是可爱的结束语,类似于 (๑• . •๑)。 于是我也这么使用,直到昨天才知道它是给跪了膜拜之类的意思。 好的,只能默默说,之前所有回答里出现过的Orz都 …
ORZ、OTZ分别是什么意思? - 百度知道
2024年12月17日 · orz、otz是网络流行语,用来表达情绪或者状态。其中orz表示失意体前屈,是一种常见的网络表情。orz在网络交流中常用来表示无奈、失望或者沮丧等情绪。 otz则是一个变形的orz,表示失意体前屈的手势,通常用于表示更加明显的无奈或者失望。
orz是什么意思?【网络语言】 - 百度知道
2024年8月22日 · 起初,它源于日本的网络表情符号,形似一个人失意后屈膝跪地,象征着悔恨、悲愤或面对拒绝时的无力感,常用于表白失败的情境中。 然而,随着其广泛使用,"orz"的含义逐渐扩大,它也被用来表达对他人的佩服和膜拜,比如表示“拜托”、“被打败”或“真受不了”的意思。 在进一步的演变中,"orz"还被赋予了感谢和谦逊的含义。 当一个人在寻求帮助后表示感激,会用这个表情来象征俯首低头、感激涕零,以及对教导者的尊敬和谦虚。 同时,它也可以表示求教者对 …
Orz | Slang and Idioms Wiki | Fandom
orz is a posture emoticon representing someone on their hands and knees in frustration or defeat. It was first used in late 2002 at the forum on Techside, Japanese personal website. At the "Techside FAQ Forum" (TECHSIDE教えて君BBS (教えてBBS) ), a poster asked about a cable cover, typing "_| ̄| " to show a cable and its cover.
What does Orz mean? - Definitions.net
ORZ is an emoticon used in online conversations to depict a person kneeling down on the ground in a submissive or defeated manner. It is typically used to display a sense of powerlessness, exhaustion, or overwhelming admiration towards someone or something.
Internet speak - orz - Japanese Language Stack Exchange
2012年1月20日 · I've seen several of my Japanese friends use "orz" in various types of posts on Facebook. What does "orz" mean? It's driving me nuts!
Orz 是失意体前屈的缩写,是一种源自于日本的网络象形文字(或心情图示),原本指网络流行的表情符号“ | ̄|_”, 这个形状好像是一个人被事情击垮跪在地上的样子,是用来形容被事情打败或者很郁闷的,表示失意或沮丧的心情。