OSA 5405 Series - Oscilloquartz
With five variants, our OSA 5405 Series is optimized for five specific use cases: indoor deployment (OSA 5405-I), power utilities (OSA 5405-P), outdoor deployment (OSA 5405-O), where multi-band receiver technology is required for enhanced precision and resilience (OSA 5405-MB) and areas where GNSS reception is a challenge (OSA 5405-S).
Our OSA 5405, a smart GNSS antenna with integrated GNSS receivers and PTP/NTP stacks, closer to where end applications require tight synchronization This avoids the archaic and expensive RF cable feeds of typical GNSS installations. Instead, the OSA 5405 uses cost-effective Ethernet cabling and offers both electrical and optical interfaces.
OSA 5400 SyncModule™ TimeCard™ Embedded timing modules that can be mounted into open servers and switches utilizing PCIe or M.2 interfaces. Device manufacturers can easily upgrade their white boxes devices with sophisticated synchronization capabilities without expensive and slow development efforts. OSA 5400 STL
OSA 5405 SyncReach™ Series - oscilloquartz
For maximum benefits, small cells need tight synchronization. With our OSA 5405 SyncReachTM, this is easier than ever before ...
Our OSA 5405 Series covers a range of application-optimized products for in-/outdoor installation at service providers, power utilities, enterprises among many others. With cost-efficient dual GNSS receivers
OSA 5405 series - Oscilloquartz SA - PDF Catalogs | Technical ...
Our OSA 5405 comes in two variants: the OSA 5405-O for outdoor installations on a wall or a pole; and the OSA 5405-I for indoor installations at windows or interior walls. Indoor- or outdoor-mounted, even at street level in deep urban canyons, …
OSA5405 室内/室外GNSS天线、PTP主时钟和NTP时钟 - 通测科技
OSA 5405独具双天线设计,即便在高楼林立的都市区,它也能够向小基站提供精确的时间同步,且物美价廉。 即使天气没那么晴朗,基于全球导航卫星系统的时钟同步也可以做到精准可靠。 我们的OSA5405可以和小基站一起部署在高楼林立的都市区 。 它用经济实惠的以太网线取代了传统全球导航卫星方案中典型而昂贵的射频电缆,并且同时提供电口和光口。 OSA 5405有两个型号:OSA 5405-O用于室外,安装在墙面或电线杆;而OSA 5405-I则用于室内,可安装在窗户或 …
Network synchronization unit OSA 5405 series - DirectIndustry
Indoor- or outdoor-mounted, even at street level in deep urban canyons, our OSA 5405 offers unprecedented flexibility. And, with its dual GNSS receivers and PTP grandmaster, it delivers the accurate timing that small cells require.
网络同步设备 - OSA 5405 series - Oscilloquartz SA
DirectIndustry(工业在线展会)为您提供网络同步设备产品详细信息。规格型号:OSA 5405 series,公司品牌:Oscilloquartz SA。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。寻找更多国外精选网络同步设备产品和供应商采购信息,尽在DirectIndustry。
Our OSA 5405-S is an integrated PTP grandmaster as well as an STL and GNSS receiver for deployment in a wide variety of environments and industries. From 5G to smart grids and data centers, the OSA 5405-S meets requirements for resiliency, reliability and accuracy. Supporting multiple PTP profiles, this solution can also be utilized as