  1. Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) Devices - Physiopedia

    • One of the most frequently prescribed airway clearance therapy (ACT) options for patients with chronic lung conditions or decreased lung volumesare positive expiratory pressure therapy (PEP) devices. During PE… 展开

    Mechanism of Pep

    The increase in pressure is transmitted to airways creating back pressure splinting them open during exhalation , preventing premature airway closure and reducing gas trapping . 1. Pro… 展开

    Types of Pep

    Two types of airway clearance devices are the positive expiratory pressure device (PEP) and the oscillating positive pressure device. 1. A PEP device increases resistance to exp… 展开

    Different Pep Devices

    !. OscPEP - applied with a threshold-dependent mechanism with a high density steel "movable ball" that is interposed on a funnel or circular cone between the exhalation tract … 展开

  1. Positive expiratory pressure

    An oscillating (or vibratory) positive expiratory pressure (OscPEP) device is a form of PEP that combines high-frequency air flow oscillations with positive expiratory.
  2. Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure Therapy

    Oscillating PEP (OscPEP) therapy provides the combination of positive expiratory pressure with high frequency oscillations. It involves breathing with a slightly active expiration against an expiratory resistance through a device.

  3. Positive Expiratory Pressure - Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

    Oscillating PEP is an airway clearance technique (ACT), where the person blows all the way out many times through a device. Commonly known by their brand names (Flutter ® , Acapella ® , AerobikA ® , and RC-Cornet ® ), these types …

  4. Acapella - Physiopedia

    The Acapella is an Oscillatory PEP device that provides oscillation to the airways which helps loosen secretions and move them centrally. The Acapella delivers high-frequency oscillation and PEP by employing a counterweighted lever and …

  5. Comparison of 6 Oscillatory Positive Expiratory Pressure ... - PubMed

  6. The effects of oscillating positive expiratory pressure therapy in ...

  7. Technical Aspects of Devices and Equipment for …

    2021年5月1日 · Breathing exercises with positive expiratory pressure (PEP) and oscillating PEP is used by different categories of patients all over the world. PEP and oscillating PEP devices refer to medical devices and equipment designed …

  8. Oscillatory PEP - CF Physio

    Oscillatory PEP (OscPEP) therapy involves breathing through a device that causes airway vibration, or shaking, as well as positive pressure during your breath out.