O-1 Visa: Individuals with Extraordinary Ability or Achievement
2023年3月3日 · The O-1 nonimmigrant visa is for the individual who possesses extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics, or who has a demonstrated record of extraordinary achievement in the motion picture or television industry and has been recognized nationally or internationally for those achievements.
GitHub - Open-Source-O1/Open-O1
Our Open O1 aims to match the powerful capabilities of the proprietary OpenAI O1 model, empowering the community with advanced open-source alternatives. Our model has been developed by curating a set SFT data for CoT Activation, which was then used to train both LLaMA and Qwen models.
美国O1签证专题:O-1签证优势及申请条件 - 知乎
O1签证又分为 O-1A签证 和 O-2A签证,O-1A签证是在科学、教育、商业或运动领域拥有非凡才能的个人(不包括艺术、电影或电视行业);O-1B签证在艺术领域拥有非凡才能或在电影或电视行业取得非凡成就的个人。 美国O1签证适合什么人申请? 1、H-1B没有抽中,但OPT即将到期; 2、J-1即将结束但因为没有获得J-1豁免,没有合法身份继续留美工作; 3、从不占H-1B名额的非盈利性机构转去占名额的盈利性公司,但是不幸的是当年的H-1B名额已满; 4、 H-1B签证 快满6 …
上交大发布首个OpenAI o1复现项目进展报告,满满的经验洞察
2024年10月9日 · 在人工智能领域掀起巨浪的 OpenAI o1 模型发布三周后,一支由高校年轻研究者组成的团队今天发布了题为 "o1 Replication Journey: A Strategic Progress Report (o1 探索之旅:战略进展报告)" 的研究进展报告。
OpenAI-O1模型论文解读(一) - 知乎专栏
具体来说,o1在常识推理任务中倾向于使用上下文识别(Context Identification, CI)和强调约束(Emphasizing Constraints, EC),而在数学和编程任务中主要依赖方法重用(Method Reuse, MR)和分治法(DC)。
OpenAI o1(最强推理模型)看这一篇就够了! - CSDN博客
OpenAI o1于2024年9月13日正式发布,作为OpenAI最新发布的最强推理模型,标志着 AI 行业进入了一个新时代。 o1在测试化学、物理和生物学专业知识的基准GPQA-diamond上,全面超过了人类博士专家,OpenAI宣称“通用 人工智能 (AGI)之路,已经没有任何阻碍”。 以往的大模型都是在“卷” NLP,语义理解、文本生成,而有点忽略逻辑推理。 虽然GPT系列也集成了“In Context Learning(上下文学习)”、“Chain of Thought(思维链)”,但更多在Prmpt Engineering(提 …
GitHub - srush/awesome-o1: A bibliography and survey of the …
Our large-scale reinforcement learning algorithm teaches the model how to think productively using its chain of thought in a highly data-efficient training process. We have found that the performance of o1 consistently improves with more reinforcement learning (train-time compute) and with more time spent thinking (test-time compute).
OpenAI o1 Hub | OpenAI
2024年9月12日 · OpenAI o1 ranks in the 89th percentile on competitive programming questions (Codeforces), places among the top 500 students in the US in a qualifier for the USA Math Olympiad (AIME), and exceeds human PhD-level accuracy on a benchmark of physics, biology, and chemistry problems (GPQA).
Open-Source O1
We introduce Open O1, which aims to match the powerful capabilities of proprietary Openai o1 model, empowering the community with advanced open-source alternatives.
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