Osella FA1F - STATS F1
n : Year : Grand Prix : Team : N° Driver : Engine : Tyre : Grid : Race : 1: 1984: Brazil: Osella Squadra Corse: 24: GHINZANI Piercarlo: Alfa Romeo 890T V8 t: Pirelli ...
Osella - Wikipedia
Osella is an Italian racing car manufacturer and former Formula One team. They participated in 132 Grands Prix between 1980 and 1990. They achieved two points finishes and scored five world championship points. Osella placed second in the 1977 World Championship for Sports Cars with the Osella PA5 BMW.
Greatest Racecar? Piercarlo Ghinzani’s Osella FA1F - Sports Car …
So, despite my driving many other cars in my motor racing life that were much better than the Osella, it is the Osella I remember as giving me the greatest joy to drive—particularly the FA1F....
Osella FA1F - Wikipedia
La Osella FA1F è una vettura da Formula 1 realizzata della Osella Corse per il stagione 1984 ed utilizzata saltuariamente anche negli anni successivi. Nel 1984, l'Osella ottenne dall' Alfa Romeo la fornitura del motore turbo V8.
Osella FA1 F specs, performance data - FastestLaps.com
1984 Osella FA1 F specs, performance data, engine specifications, pictures, updated June 2024.
ECR - Osella FA1F details
During 1984 South African GP warm up before the race, Piercarlo Ghinzani lost control at 160mph. The rear end of his car hit the barrier and was split off, and the fuel tank burst into flames. Luckily the monocoque was intact and didn't roll over, Ghinzani was conscious to escape from serious injury.
Osella - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Osella es un fabricante de automóviles de carreras y antiguo equipo de italiano de Fórmula 1. Fue fundado por Vicenzo Osella, que tenía su sede cerca de Turín, Italia. En este campeonato, participó desde 1980 a 1990, en un total de 172 Grandes Premios, sumando 5 …
Piercarlo Ghinzani Favorite Racecar – Osella FA1F
So, despite my driving many other cars in my motor racing life that were much better than the Osella, it is the Osella I remember as giving me the greatest joy to drive—particularly the FA1F. I came to Formula One motor racing through the usual route of first being successful at lower formulae and then progressing.
Osella FA1F — Wikipédia
L'Osella FA1F est une monoplace de Formule 1 engagée par l'écurie italienne Osella dans le cadre des championnats du monde de Formule 1 1984, 1986 ainsi que les Grands Prix du Brésil 1985 et du Portugal 1985 avec Piercarlo Ghinzani, Jo …
1984 Osella FA1F Ghinzani - formula143
2022年12月11日 · The car was driven by Osella favorite driver Piercarlo Ghinzani, with Austrian rookie Jo Gartner secured the part-time second seat in the team. Ghinzani took his only career points when he finished fifth at the 1984 Dallas Grand Prix in a race marked by high attrition, crumbling tarmac and oppressive heat.