Oskar Heil - Wikipedia
Oskar Heil (20 March 1908, in Langwieden – 15 May 1994, San Mateo, California) was a German electrical engineer and inventor. He studied physics, chemistry, mathematics, and music at the Georg-August University of Göttingen and was awarded his PhD in 1933, for his work on molecular spectroscopy.
1926:场效应半导体器件概念获得专利 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
而在1934年,剑桥大学的德国电气工程师和发明家奥斯卡·海尔(Oskar Heil)申请了一项专利——通过电极上的 电容耦合 控制半导体中的电流——这本质上就是 场效应晶体管 。尽管这两项专利都获得了授权,但没有记录显示利林菲尔德或海尔做出了能用的器件。
Hi-fi Inventor - Oskar Heil - Tech Reviews
2022年4月15日 · One of the lesser-known hi-fi creators is German-born engineer Oskar Heil, who is best remembered by gray-headed hi-fi geeks. But had it not been for him, most hi-fi systems would have looked very different – and computers would not have been possible. The most famous of Oskar Heil’s inventions is the so-called Air Motion Transformer.
Air Motion Transformer - Wikipedia
The Air Motion Transformer (AMT) is a type of electroacoustic transducer. Invented by Oskar Heil (1908–1994), it operates on a different transduction principle from other loudspeaker designs, such as moving coil, planar magnetic or electrostatically -driven loudspeakers, and should not be confused with planar or true ribbon loudspeakers.
Oskar Heil Kithara Loudspeaker - Enjoy the Music.com
Oskar Heil was one of the leading scientists of the 20 th Century, breaking new ground in a variety of physics and engineering disciplines. Perhaps most notable among his numerous inventions was the Field Effect Transistor, which he patented in 1934.
芯片的根本,MOSFET的前世今生 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Oskar Heil是第二个独立构思FET的人。 他于1908年出生于德国朗威顿,并在哥廷根的乔治-奥古斯特大学获得博士学位。 在这所大学期间,他遇到了正在攻读博士学位的俄罗斯物理学家Agnesa Arsenjewa。
Oskar Heil - Precide
Dr. Oskar Heil, noted physisist and inventor of the Field Effect Transistor, began his research into loudspeaker design, not with abstract theory of how a loudspeaker should work, but with a study of the peculiarities of the human listening aparatus.
SoundStage! Equipment Review - Oscar Heil Aulos Loudspeakers …
It is the design of Dr. Oskar Heil, a physicist who invented the field-effect transistor. We learn from Précide S.A., the Swiss manufacturer of the driver, that Dr. Heil began his research into loudspeaker design by studying "…how nature designed and constructed the human ear.
オスカー・ハイル - Wikipedia
オスカー・ハイル (Oskar Heil)は ドイツ の 物理学者。 1908年に ラングヴィーデン で生まれた。 ゲッティンゲン大学 での在学中にソビエトから留学していたAgnesa Arsenjewaと出会い、1934年にレニングラードで結婚した。 1935年に速度変調の真空管である クライストロン の原型を考案した [1]。 また、同年に 電界効果トランジスタ の原型を考案して特許を出願したものの、当時の技術水準では実現しなかった。
Oskar Heil Kithara | Inner Magazines
2024年7月21日 · Dr. Oskar Heil (1908-1994) was a German physicist and inventor who, in addition to his speaker element, is known for pioneering work on microwave generators and FET transistors long before the first microwave ovens and long before FETs found their way into audio amplifiers (Heil filed his FET patent in 1935).