Premature Termination of Reprogramming In Vivo Leads to Cancer ...
2014年2月13日 · Increased expression of Lgr5 was similarly observed in the transplanted secondary tumors (Figure S3D). Therefore, we established iPSC lines from OSKM-inducible MEFs containing Lgr5-EGFP reporter allele in which Lgr5 expression can be visualized by enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) (Barker et al., 2007).
Direct Reprogramming of Hepatocytes Into JAK/Stat-Dependent LGR5…
2024年1月23日 · SSEA1-negative cells were found to express LGR5 (dubbed LGR5-AdOSKM), and these cells responded to 3 cross-signaling pathways—IL6/Jak/Stat3, LGR5/R-spondin, and Wnt/β-catenin in both 2D and 3D long-term culture conditions.
Partial in vivo reprogramming enables injury-free intestinal
2023年11月24日 · Here, we induced dedifferentiation of intestinal epithelial cells using OSKM (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc) in vivo. The OSKM-induced forced dedifferentiation showed similar molecular features of intestinal regeneration, including a transition from homeostatic cell types to injury-responsive–like cell types.
Direct Reprogramming of Hepatocytes Into JAK/Stat-Dependent LGR5…
The LGR5 +-derived tumors exhibited a highly vascularized stroma with substantial fibrosis. In addition, we identified pro-angiogenic factors and signaling pathways involved in neo-angiogenesis and vascular development, which represent potential new targets for anti-angiogenic strategies to overcome tumor resistance to current ICC treatments.
Direct Reprogramming of Hepatocytes Into JAK/Stat-Dependent LGR5…
2024年4月15日 · Following engraftment in syngeneic mice, LGR5-positive cells that expressed the cancer markers CD51, CD166, and CD73 were capable of forming invasive and metastatic tumors reminiscent of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC): they were positive for CK19 and CK7, featured associations of cord-like structures, and contained cuboidal and atypical ...
细胞重编程最新进展!返老还童终成真?Cell子刊:北京大学邓宏 …
近日,北京大学干细胞研究中心主任邓宏魁教授等在干细胞领域全球顶尖期刊Cell Stem Cell上发表观点文章,系统回顾总结了使用 小分子化学物质进行细胞重编程 的研究进展,并展望此领域的未来发展机遇 [1]。 提起细胞重编程,很多人可能会想起著名的“ 山中因子 ”Oct4、Sox2、Klf4和c-Myc(OSKM)。 作为细胞重编程的经典途径,OSKM能将高度分化细胞逆转到初始水平。 OSKM的发现具有划时代的意义,但也有其缺陷。 比如说,作为早期胚胎中的 转录因 …
肿瘤干细胞标志物:LGR5 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2022年12月15日,Carina Biotech宣布已提交其治疗实体瘤的 LGR5 CAR-T疗法的IND申请,主要是针对晚期结直肠癌患者的1/2a期临床试验。 LGR5又称G蛋白偶联受体49 (GPR49)或G蛋白偶联受体67 (GPR67),是GPCR A类受体蛋…
2023年11月24日 · Here, we induced dediferentiation of intestinal epithelial cells using OSKM (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc) in vivo. The OSKM-induced forced dediferentiation showed similar molecular features of intestinal regeneration, including a transition from homeostatic cell types to injury-responsive–like cell types.
Lgr5基因(eucine-rich-repeat-containing G-protein-coupled receptor 5, 也称Gpr49),是从肠道Wnt靶位的诸多基因中挑选出的,只在小肠绒毛的凹陷处(crypt)表达。 由于 Wnt信号 构成绒毛基部生理学活动背后的主要调节因素,作者假设一些Wnt靶基因可能在小肠干细胞中特异性表达。
Direct Reprogramming of Hepatocytes Into JAK/Stat-Dependent LGR5…
2024年4月1日 · We observed that, under long-term 2D and 3D culture conditions, hepatocytes could be converted into LGR5-positive cells with self-renewal capacity that was dependent on 3 cross-signaling pathways: IL6/Jak/Stat3, LGR5/R-spondin, and Wnt/β-catenin.
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