How to get from Oslo to Sweden by train, plane, bus or car
The best way to get from Oslo to Sweden is to train which takes 5h 29m and costs 450 kr - 850 kr. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs 440 kr - 650 kr and takes 7h 30m.
Cheap flights from Oslo to Sweden from £54 | Skyscanner
Looking for a cheap flight from Oslo to Sweden? Compare prices for every major airline, find the best time to fly, then book with no added fees.
Oslo to Stockholm High-Speed Train - Norway Trains
Planning a trip from Oslo to Stockholm by train? Learn the details of the route including distance between Oslo and Stockholm, travel time, distance, seating classes and book your tickets online!
Oslo to Stockholm Trains & Tickets - Sweden Trains
Planning to travel from Oslo to Stockholm by train? Check out route details (train time, distance, schedule, prices) & book your SJ railway tickets today!
Oslo to Sweden drive - plan a road trip
Here's a sample itinerary for a drive from Oslo to Sweden. If you're planning a road trip to Sweden, you can research locations to stop along the way. Make sure you check road conditions to double check the weather. Find the best hotels, restaurants, and attractions based on the most talked about places recommended by Trippy members.
How to Get from Stockholm to Oslo - TripSavvy
2020年2月27日 · The trip from Stockholm to Oslo is direct through FlixBus, but the ride is an arduous seven and a half hours. You can choose a morning or early afternoon bus that gets you to Oslo in the evening, which lets you enjoy the roadside scenery by daylight but forces you to lose an entire day of your trip seated on a bus.
Van Oslo naar Karlstad per Trein vanaf €8.00 | railcc
Hoe reist u van Oslo (Noorwegen) naar Karlstad (Zweden) per trein (167km). Koop uw treinkaartjes online. Vind prijzen, informatie en treinschema's.
Oslo vs Stockholm | 9 Key Differences You Must Know Before You …
Oslo and Stockholm are relatively small for capital cities, with Oslo having a population of just above one million. While Oslo city center is easily explored on foot, there are various outlying …
Met de auto naar Noorwegen via Zweden | Opnaarnoorwegen.nl
2018年2月18日 · Lees dan het artikel Met de ferry naar Noorwegen: welke mogelijkheden zijn er? Met de ferry kom je om 18:30 aan in Oslo. Daarna is het zonder stoppen nog zo’n 3,5 uur rijden naar Otta, waar je dan rond 22:00 aankomt. Als je via Zweden rijdt, kun je ’s ochtends vroeg al vertrekken uit Halmstad.
Stockholm to Oslo High-Speed Train - Norway Trains
Wondering how to get from Stockholm to Oslo by train with all niceties? Check the time of departures and book your high-speed train tickets online!