OSMO Wood Wax 3136 Birch .75 Liter - Amazon.com
2019年4月23日 · Osmo Wood Wax Finish is a satin-matte wood finish which combines all the advantages of oils and waxes in one unique product. Resistant to water and dirt, very durable and smooths wood surfaces. Easy application – no need for a primer or sanding between coats, which saves time and money.
Osmo Wood Wax Finish Transparent, 3136 Birch - .125 Liter
2020年10月1日 · Osmo Wood Wax Finish is a satin-matte wood finish which combines all the advantages of oils and waxes in one unique product. Resistant to water and dirt, very durable and smooths wood surfaces. Easy application – no need for a primer or sanding between coats, which saves time and money.
Tooniv õlivaha, läbipaistev - Osmo
Osmo tooniv õlivaha sobib puidust interjööri kaunistamiseks ning kaitseks: seinapaneelid, liistud, talad, uksed. See sobib ka liimpuitkilpidele, puitlaastplaatidele ja MDF´le. Ideaalne kasutada esimese kihina puitpõrandatel. Soovitame mööbli ja laste mänguasjade viimistlemiseks.
Wood Wax Finish - OSMO USA
Osmo Wood Wax Finish is a satin or satin-gloss wood finish which combines all the advantages of oils and waxes in one unique product. Resistant to water and dirt, very durable and smooths wood surfaces. Easy application – no need for a primer or sanding between coats, which …
Wood Wax Finish - Osmo UK
Protection and decorative finishing of wood in indoor areas. The wood surface must be clean, dry and frost-free (max. 18% moisture content). Osmo Wood Wax Finish is ready to use. Do not thin. Stir well before use. Clean old microporous stains thoroughly.
OSMO Wood Wax Finish Birch #3136
Wood Wax Finish is resistant to dirt and liquid stains. You get a breathable but very durable and hard-wearing finish that won’t crack, peel or flake. Wood Wax Finishes can be mixed with each other and with Polyx Oil Original (3054) for a custom color. A final coat of clear Polyx Oil protects the pigments from wear and tear.
Osmo Dekorwachs Transparent Birke 750ml (3136) - idealo
Durch die Holzlasur Osmo Dekorwachs Transparent Birke kommt die Maserung des Holzes zur Geltung. Zudem ist sie luftdurchlässig, ermöglicht den Durchtritt von Wasserdampf und gewährt grundlegenden Schutz gegenüber Umwelteinflüssen.
Wood Wax Finish - Osmo Holz und Color GmbH & Co. KG
Osmo Wood Wax Finish is suitable for the protection and the decorative finishing of wood in indoor areas: wall panelling, mouldings and beams as well as doors. It is also suitable for edge-glued panels, chipboard and MDF. Ideal as a coloured base coat for wooden flooring and for recoating darkened wood surfaces.
Osmo Dekorwachs Transparent 2,5l 3136 Birke - holz-kunz.de
Beim Dekorwachs Transparent von Osmo handelt es sich um einen transparenten, seidenmatten Holzanstrich für Holzoberflächen im Innenbereich. Es sorgt in nur einem Anstrich für ein professionelles Finish. Sollte dir das seidenmatte Ergebnis nicht zusagen, kannst du den Glanz durch leichtes Nachpolieren verstärken.
Osmo õlivaha 3136 0,75L kask, 4006850102822 | Decora
Toon 3136: kask. Osmo läbipaistev puuvaha on läbikumav viimistlusvahend puidule sisetingimustes. Ühe kihiga on võimalik anda puidule kaunis satiinmatt pind ja läbikumav toon. Pind jääb tugev ja vastupidav, vett- ja mustust hülgav. Pind talub suurepäraselt veini, õlle, koola, kohvi, tee, mahlade, piima ja muude vedelike plekke.