Sign In - Department of Education Queensland
The Department of Education network (the network) is provided only to authorised users and only for official schooling and work purposes. Your use of the network (including internet and email) …
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OSPL. Korea University - Google Sites
Organic Semiconductor process Laboratory (OSPL) is composed of two groups. One group is focusing on the organic based semiconductor such as organic light emitting...
OSPL – Advanced TEMPEST technology for a safer future
OSPL Nederland B.V. is a manufacturer and supplier of TEMPEST, Rugged and secure equipment to the Government Agencies both nationally and internationally. READ MORE. OSPL Nederland B.V. operates and manages a TEMPEST test facility according to the guidelines stated in ISO/IEC 17025, scope number L552.
Oxford Student Publications Limited – The home of student …
OSPL hosts a number of student publications out of the University of Oxford, including… The oldest, most prestigious and most respected student newspaper. The oldest independent student magazine in the United Kingdom, and Oxford’s leading arts anthology. Providing insights into the world of science. Fashion. Art. Identity.
OSPL是什么意思? - Abbreviation Finder
使用 OSPL 作为首字母缩略词可以提高效率和简洁性,节省沟通时间和空间,同时传达特定行业的专业性和专业知识。 使用首字母缩略词有助于记忆,并在文档中保持一致的语气。 由于 OSPL 具有多重含义,因此如果受众不熟悉,这个首字母缩略词可能会产生歧义,从而导致混淆。 使用首字母缩略词还可能造成排他性,可能会疏远那些不熟悉行话的人,过度使用会降低清晰度。 提供英文缩写OSPL意思查询、OSPL英文全称在线查询工具及其他常用英语缩写大全及词典。
“OSPL”指代的是“输出声压级”吗? - 百度知道
2024年6月7日 · 在英文中,"OSPL"这个缩写词代表"Output Sound Pressure Level",直译为“输出声压级”。 这个术语在学术界,尤其是在物理学领域,具有一定的使用频率。 它用于描述声音信号在输出阶段的声压强度。 在中文中,其拼音写作"shū chū shēng yā jí",简明易记。 OSPL是一个专门用于学术交流的缩写词,它在学术研究和工程技术中广泛应用。 例如,音响工程师在测量扬声器或音频设备的输出性能时,可能会用到这个概念。 此外,声学研究、音频设备规格说明, …
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