Home | Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities
The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities supports the University’s mission of preparing students for lives of engaged citizenship and leadership in a global society through advocacy, education and accountability.
Staff - Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities
Email: [email protected]. Quick Links. Mission & Values; Student Rights & Responsibilities; Attorney/Non-Attorneys; Parents & Families. Location: 236B Elliott University Center, 507 Stirling Street Greensboro, North Carolina 27412. Mailing Address: PO …
Academic Integrity Policy & Pledge | Office of Student Rights ...
The Academic Integrity Policy was created by faculty based on the core values and ideals of practice as recommended by the Center for Academic Integrity. The UNCG Faculty Senate reviewed and approved the policy and is available online in its entirety here.
Student Code of Conduct - Student Affairs
Members of the University community embrace fundamental principles to ensure a campus environment conducive to peaceful and productive living and study. These principles include five values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility.
OSRR The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities supports the University’s mission of preparing students for lives of engaged citizenship and leadership in a global society through advocacy, education and accountability. Through educational initiatives and processes for adjudication of alleged misconduct, the OSRR encourages honesty, trust,
Academic Integrity Policy - UNC Greensboro
Specific information on the Academic Integrity Policy and obligations of faculty and students may be found online at https://osrr.uncg.edu/academic-integrity-policy-pledge. Names of College and School members of the Academic Integrity Advisory …
Helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty. Inventing, altering, or falsifying any data, information or citation in an academic exercise. The use, misuse or alterations of University materials or resources so as to make them inaccessible to other users.
Academic Integrity Policy - Student Affairs
The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities shall provide procedural interpretations of the Academic Integrity Policy, make recommendations to the Faculty Senate Academic Policies and Regulations Committee concerning proposed changes in the Policy and provide advice and information concerning the Policy to the general campus community.
Resources | Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities - osrr.uncg…
Resources iSpartan Canvas at UNCG Spartan Central UNCG Mobile UNCGenie UNCG Directory Events News Campus Map University Libraries Course Catalog. Admissions; Academics & Support; Costs, Aid, & Scholarships ... [email protected]. Back to Top. Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities. Voice: 336.334.4640. Fax: 336.256.8653. Email: [email protected] ...
Specific information on the Academic Integrity Policy and obligations of faculty and students may be found online at https://osrr.uncg.edu/academic-integrity-policy-pledge (https:// osrr.uncg.edu/academic-integrity-policy-pledge/).