SC Onsite Wastewater Association - USEFUL LINKS
SC Onsite Wastewater Association. PO Box 2836. Summerville, SC 29484. Office: (803) 877-7388. Email: [email protected]
Septic Tanks - Licensing for OSWW System Professionals
Download and complete the application form for a License to Construct or Clean Onsite Wastewater Systems and Self-Contained Toilets, then contact your local DHEC Environmental Affairs office to make arrangements for testing. Can install all gravity-fed and fill …
Homeowner Resources | South Carolina Department of …
For information on how to apply for a septic system permit, please visit our Permits, Licenses, and Reports page. Some septic systems fail to work properly, usually because of poor maintenance. Don't let yours be one of them — learn how your septic system works and how to care for it. The most common type of septic system has four main parts:
Onsite Wastewater - Installer Applications | La Dept. of Health
Three types of licenses are issued by the Onsite Wastewater Program (OSWW) including Basic, Combination, and Maintenance licenses. Licenses are issued on an annual basis with the licensing period starting on February 1st and expiring on January 31st.
EHS: On-Site Water Protection Branch - NCDHHS
The On-Site Water Protection Branch, which is part of the N.C. Division of Public Health, Environmental Health Section is responsible for providing regulatory oversight of sub-surface on-site wastewater treatment and dispersal systems, as well as inspection and testing of private drinking water wells constructed, repaired or abandoned, on o...
OSWW Installer's Test Flashcards - Quizlet
All pump holding tanks shall have an audible and visual "high water alarm" located in a conspicuous location. A ______ should be provided for the audible signal in a a convenient location so that relief can be easily obtained.
Onsite Wastewater Program | La Dept. of Health
The Onsite Wastewater Program's mission is to prevent untreated or improperly treated sewage from being discharged into the environment and thus to protect the health of the citizens of Louisiana.
Onsite Wastewater Installer's Workshop | La Dept. of Health
2022年1月13日 · Temporary Onsite Wastewater Workshop Exams will be administered at the Regional Offices on the third Thursday of each month. Exams will be administered at 9 AM unless otherwise noted when registering. Anyone arriving after 9 AM must wait until the next exam date.
mwood77/osww: The Open Source Watch Winder - GitHub
Checkout Winderoo, which adds more complex behaviour and a GUI to your build! The Open Source Watch Winder - a modular, simple-to-build watch winder.
Septic Tanks | South Carolina Department of Environmental Services
To report fraud, waste, mismanagement, or misconduct within or involving a state agency, call the State Inspector General at 1-855-723-7283 (1-855-SC-FRAUD) or visit the State Inspector General’s website to file a complaint online.