אותך - otach / otcha | WordReference Forums
Jun 27, 2011 · "אותךָ" (otcha) and "אותךְ" (otach) are also pronouns. But, they indicate a direct object. אותךָ and אותךְ, also, are second person, meaning they correspond to the nominative pronouns אתה (ata, masculine singular you) and את (at, feminine singular you).
אותך - otakh vs otekh | WordReference Forums
Mar 2, 2018 · Hello, I was taught that "Pleased to meet you." is "na'im li meod lehakir otakh" when talking to a woman. However, recently I heard someone say "na'im li meod lehakir otekh" instead. Is "otekh" a dialectical variant of "otakh"? Toda raba! :)
I love God - WordReference Forums
Apr 20, 2009 · God loves me=Otach Ohev Ani-- ? dr52, I have looked for the word, clavier. And it meant stringed instrument's (e.g., piano) keyboard. Is it a American slang for computer keyboard??? I reckon that it would mean keyboard of the computer.. just wanted to know the origin and the reason you used the word above... I'm learning language..
I had you (past/future) | WordReference Forums
Jan 7, 2013 · All of those different meanings are expressed differently in Hebrew. To the extent that "lihyot li" is the correct translation, and it might be for the second of them, it would be "hayita li" to a male, "hayit li" to a female. The otcha/otach is …