TKA Prosthesis Design - Recon - Orthobullets
TKA with Computer Navigation & Sensor-Guided Assessment for Soft Tissue Balancing - Dr. William Gall William Gallivan Recon
TKA Sagittal Plane Balancing - Recon - Orthobullets
2024年3月10日 · TKA with Computer Navigation & Sensor-Guided Assessment for Soft Tissue Balancing - Dr. William Gall William Gallivan Recon
These exercises strengthen your leg muscles, increase range of motion, promote mobility after surgery, control pain, improve balance, reduce body weight, improve sleep and anxiety, and build a knowledge base of post-operative expectations. Start slowly, and if exercises cause shortness of breath, call your orthopedic surgeon.
图解人工全膝关节置换术 - 澎湃新闻
2021年1月27日 · 人工全膝关节置换术(total knee arthroplasty,TKA)是治疗膝关节严重疾患、解除膝关节疼痛、重建膝关节功能的主要手段,全世界每年有大量患者接受TKA手术。
一文细说全膝关节置换术中的对线技术的分类 | 骨科在线
全膝关节置换术(total knee arthroplasty,TKA)是治疗终末期骨关节炎(osteoarthritis,OA)最有效的方式,可显著减轻患者疼痛,改善患者的生活质量。 下肢力线是膝关节置换术中截骨的指导参数,关系到膝关节的运动模式及假体的远期生存率,是膝关节置换手术成败 ...
一文了解关节置换手术趋势|膝关节置换术|机器人|TKA|THA|关节|置 …
2023年7月30日 · 统计数据显示2021全年纳入ajpr注册的手术中,初级全髋关节置换手术(tha)共计82.164万台,初级全膝关节置换手术(tka)共计130.6719万台。其中5.7%的tha使用了手术机器人,11.6%tka使用到了手术机器人。
蔡谞教授:HTO之后的TKA - orthoguard.cn
胫骨高位截骨术(HTO)作为治疗膝关节骨性关节炎的一种保膝手段,近年来受到越来越多骨科同仁及患者的关注。 骨卫士医生集团首席顾问、原解放军总医院(北京301医院)骨科主任医师、清华长庚医院骨关节外科中心主任、中国医药教育协会骨科专业委员会主委蔡谞教授在第四届世界骨科大会上分享了“HTO之后的TKA”。 作为国内著名关节外科专家,蔡谞教授专攻关节外科、人工关节置换、翻修手术及关节镜微创手术,具有精良的手术技巧及丰富的诊疗经验。 蔡谞教授指 …
Total knee arthroplasty (TKA), also known as a total knee replacement, is an elective surgical procedure to treat patients who experience pain and dysfunction from an arthritic knee joint. TKA is an effective option if the patient’s pain does not respond to …
Introduction of ROSA robotic-arm system for total knee arthroplasty …
This prospective cohort study included 83 consecutive conventional jig-based TKAs compared with 53 RA TKAs using the Robotic Surgical Assistant (ROSA) system (Zimmer Biomet, Warsaw, Indiana, USA) for knee osteoarthritis performed by three high-volume (> 100 TKA per year) orthopaedic surgeons.
Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is the treatment of choice for end-stage osteoarthritis of the knee. The aging of population and the need to maintain high quality of life have increased the demand for TKA. Although considered a successful procedure, 15-30% of …