Otokar Akrep - Wikipedia
Akrep ("Scorpion") is a Turkish infantry mobility vehicle family developed by Otokar Otobus Karoseri Sanayi AS. The first prototypes were completed in May 1993 and the first vehicles came off the production line in June 1994.
Akrep II | 4x4 Wheeled Armored Vehicle | Otokar Defence
The AKREP II is the new generation armored vehicle and a proof of Otokar's ability to leverage its engineering, manufacturing and expertise across a large portfolio of armored tactical vehicles. AKREP II family will be an outstanding solution for modern armies with its superior manoeuvrability and agility as well as the outstanding design ...
AKREP II’s four-wheel drive system and steerable axles (optional) give the vehicle incredible maneuverability. Relying on the four-wheel independent suspension and swift torque control of the power pack, AKREP II can travel cross-country over challenging terrain and traverse deep mud, snow or water with equal ease.
Otokar expands its AKREP II family with AKREP IId
2021年8月17日 · Otokar, a Koç Group company and Turkey’s global land defense systems manufacturer, introduced Akrep IId, the new diesel variant added to the AKREP II range at IDEF. The highly anticipated AKREP IId, designed with a reduced silhouette, high mobility and survivability, and a modular structure that can be fitted with up to 90mm weapons, is ...
Akrep II Wheeled Armoured Vehicle - Army Technology
2019年5月7日 · Akrep II is a new armoured vehicle designed and manufactured by Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi, a defence vehicle manufacturing company based in Turkey. The vehicle is intended to offer a robust and reliable platform that provides the required fire support to forces during quick reaction, search-and-rescue, border patrol, fire support and ...
Otokar Akrep II - Vikipedi
Otokar Akrep II, Otokar tarafından üretilen Türk yapımı bir tekerlekli çok rollü bir zırhlı araçtır. Akrep II'nin elektrikli Akrep IIe ve dizel Akrep IId olmak üzere iki ana modeli bulunmaktadır.
Akrep II - Army Recognition
2024年7月11日 · The Akrep II is a versatile 4X4 wheeled multi-role light armored vehicle engineered by Otokar, a leading Turkish manufacturer of military vehicles. This advanced vehicle comes in two primary variants: the Akrep IIe, which is powered by an electric drive, and the Akrep IId, which operates on a diesel drive.
Akrep II 4x4 Armored | Otokar - Otokar Central Asia
The AKREP II is the new generation armored vehicle and a proof of Otokar's ability to leverage its engineering, manufacturing and expertise across a large portfolio of armored tactical vehicles. AKREP II family will be an outstanding solution for modern armies with its superior manoeuvrability and agility as well as the outstanding design ...
Otokar AKREP II ailesini AKREP IId ile genişletti
2021年8月17日 · Otokar’ın zırhlı keşif, gözetleme ve silah platformu olarak tasarladığı AKREP II 4x4 yeni nesil zırhlı araç ailesini dizel motorlu Akrep IId ile genişletiyor. Düşük silueti, yüksek hareket ve bekâ kabiliyeti ile modern orduların güncel ve gelecek ihtiyaçlarına cevap verebilmek için tasarlanmış Akrep II ailesi, 90 mm ...
Otokar Akrep - Military Wiki | Fandom
Akrep ("Scorpion") is a Turkish light reconnaissance vehicle developed by Otokar Otobus Karoseri Sanayi AS. The first prototypes were completed in May 1993 and the first vehicles came off the production line in June 1994.