Otrera - Wikipedia
In Greek mythology, Otrera / oʊ ˈ t r ɪər ə / (Ancient Greek: Ὀτρήρη Otrērē) was the founder and first Queen of the Amazons; the consort of Ares and mother of Hippolyta and Penthesilea. She is credited with being the founder of the shrine of Artemis in Ephesus.
OTRERA - Amazon Queen of Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology Otrera was the first Amazon queen and a bride of the war-god Ares. She was also the founder of the celebrated shrine of Artemis at Ephesus. Otrera was probably the unnamed Amazon queen who battled the hero Bellerophon in …
彭忒西勒亚是希腊神话中于特洛伊战争中出现的女性英雄,阿瑞斯的女儿,亚马逊女战士们的女王。 最终死于阿喀琉斯之手。
The myth of Otrera, the first Queen of the Amazons in Greek …
2022年2月9日 · Otrera – Queen and the founding mother of the Amazon nation, a group of female warriors and hunters. According to the myths, Queen Otrera was born to Ares, the Greek god of war, and the nymph Harmonia. Otrera is said to be the mother of famous Amazon warriors such as Hippolyta, Antiope, Melanippe and Penthesilea.
Get to Know Otrera of Greek Mythology - Greek Boston
In this article, we’ll examine Otrera in the context of Greek mythology, focusing on major points in her life and the role she played in the religion of the ancient Greeks. Otrera started off life like many other women in Bronze Age Greece. An unhappy wife in an arranged marriage, Otrera’s human husband treated her with great disdain and abuse.
Otrera: The Maker and First Ruler of the Amazons in Greek …
2022年7月6日 · Otrera, according to Greek mythology, was a female warrior who possessed the strength, skill, courage and agility comparable to her male counterparts. Due to her warlike …
At Otrera, we are steadfastly committed to creating a sustainable future in safety, economy, and environmental conservation. Our newest line features synthetic stones with zero silicon dioxide …
Otrera in Greek Mythology - Greek Legends and Myths
2021年9月24日 · Otrera was commonly named as the first Queen of the Amazons in Greek mythology; the legendary race of warrior women.
Otrera - Riordan Wiki
Otrera was a Greek hero, the consort of Ares, as well as the founder and first Queen of the Amazons. She is the mother of Hippolyta and Penthesilea. Otrera was sometimes considered the founder of the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, which was closely connected with Amazons. She was also sometimes...
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