JIP 研究测试紧凑型蒸汽发生器以减少海上油气平台的排放 - 海洋能 …
2024年10月28日 · 当今 OTSG 解决方案的挑战在于从燃气轮机废气中产生蒸汽的热回收设备的重量和尺寸。 在 JIP 中,将开发和测试轻量级 OTSG,以证明构建强大的轻量级 OTSG 的可行性。
solution to the limitations of traditional drum-type boilers. The continuous-flow steam generator of the OTSG system converts all feed water into high-purity, superheated steam, and through the simplicity and versatility of the design, achieves new levels of cost-effectiveness, perform.
Each once-through steam generator (OTSG) is a vertical, straight, tube-and-shell heat exchanger which produces superheated steam at constant turbine throttle pressure throughout the power range.
Study on startup characteristics of prototype once-through steam ...
2022年3月1日 · Once-through steam generator (OTSG) is a vital heat transfer equipment of China Fast Reactor-600 (CFR-600), and its startup characteristics are of great importance to the safe operation of nuclear power plant.
- [PDF]
MAHTBrady.pdf - OTSG
ONCE THROUGH STEAM GENERATOR DESCRIPTION The once-through steam generator (OTSG), in its simplest form, is a continuous tube heat exchanger in which the preheating, evaporation, and superheating of the feed-water takes place.
“核级直流蒸汽发生器”项目样机制造顺利完成-清华摩擦学国家重点 …
2018年7月9日 · 项目研制的核I级直流蒸汽发生器(简称OTSG),采用大盘管结构,该结构在国内核电属首次设计。 大盘管结构与绕管换热器类似,但支撑方式和装配方法完全不同。
Model-Based Load Following Control for Helical-Coiled …
The modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (MHTGR) nuclear power plant incorporates a helical-coiled supercritical once-through steam generator (OTSG) to f
2024-2030年中国直流蒸汽发生器(OTSG)行业市场发展趋势与前 …
2024年8月16日 · 智能化、自动化技术的应用,使得OTSG在远程监控、故障诊断、能效优化等方面具备了更强的能力,极大地提高了设备的可靠性和维护效率。 这些技术进步不仅推动了OTSG产品向高端化、智能化方向发展,也为整个行业的转型升级注入了强劲动力。
一体化反应堆采用的套管式直流蒸汽发生器 (OTSG)具有结构简单、体积换热能力强、负荷跟踪快等优点,但是 OTSG传热管内部存在着剧烈的相变过程,特别是在反应堆启、停等低负荷工况运行时,反应堆功率变化频繁,OTSG二次侧给水流量小,蒸发管内单相区短,稳定性差 ...
OTSG and Plant Feedwater Treatment No blowdown so water quality critical Requires demineralized and polished feedwater. Cation Conductivity Limit: 0.25 μS/cm IST recommends stainless FW piping from polisher to OTSG (particularly for cycling plants)