Analysis of startup process of small modular reactor with OTSGs
2023年12月15日 · The research primarily related to OTSG flow heat transfer includes that Jianxin Shi conducted numerical simulations to establish a mathematical model for the steam-water interface process during the later stage of start-up, and revealed the impact of droplet diameter and flow velocity on wall temperature distribution during the drying and post ...
Development of a thermal-hydraulic analysis code for thermal …
2021年9月1日 · The benchmark simulation of the B&W OTSG and the parametric analysis of the conceptual OTSG with feedwater circulation demonstrate that the developed code can be used as a means of conceptual design and parametric analysis of improved OTSGs for SMRs.
一体化反应堆直流蒸汽发生器控制策略研究 - 参考网
2021年5月8日 · 直流蒸汽发生器 (Once-Through Steam Generator,OTSG)是一体化反应堆的重要核动力装置,具有体积小、传热效率高等优点,国内外对其进行了广泛研究和应用 [1-5]。 由于OTSG的二次侧储水容积较小,蓄热能力较差,负荷变化对蒸汽压力的影响非常显著;而且蒸汽发生器过冷、蒸发、过热等各区段之间没有固定的分界线,不论是一次侧还是二次侧的扰动,都会导致蒸汽温度的变化,因此对OTSG控制的要求较高。 目前大多采用三冲量控制方法或在此基础上加入 …
Cross-scale coupling analysis method for OTSG in SFR and its ...
2024年1月1日 · A cross-scale real-time coupling analysis model is established to simulate the full-regime flow boiling with coupled heat transfer in sodium-cooled fast reactor OTSG. The independent coupling of each heat transfer tube of the water side in OTSG with the 3D fluid domain of sodium side is realized.
The OTSG python-model is a mathematical representation (including fluid flow and heat transfer equations/models/correlations) of a steam-generating unit in a pressurized water reactor-type small modular reactor system. Design studies involve changing the model’s input design parameters to observe the resulting effects on the output of the system.
Each once-through steam generator (OTSG) is a vertical, straight, tube-and-shell heat exchanger which produces superheated steam at constant turbine throttle pressure throughout the power range.
OTSG小型模块化反应堆启动过程分析,Nuclear Engineering and …
2023年10月16日 · 利用APROS开发了Babcock & Wilcox公司设计的OTSGs仿真模型,仿真结果表明其与文献中的运行参数具有良好的一致性。 该模型可以捕捉OTSG二次侧的两相流传热现象。 在此基础上,还利用AROS开发了ACP100启动数值模型。 仿真获得了整个启动过程中影响OTSG运 …
直通式蒸汽发生器创新控制策略仿真研究,IOP Conference Series: …
新型核电站采用直流蒸汽发生器(OTSG),可以为汽轮机供汽,OTSG的控制和运行不同于传统的自然循环蒸汽发生器,传统自然循环蒸汽发生器的控制策略是不适用于 OTSG。
Repair ' -100% OTSG inspection (differential probe) -develop new 4x absolute probe -qualify eddy current
OTSG and Plant Feedwater Treatment No blowdown so water quality critical Requires demineralized and polished feedwater. Cation Conductivity Limit: 0.25 μS/cm IST recommends stainless FW piping from polisher to OTSG (particularly for cycling plants)