Pathbuilder 2e
Pathbuilder 2e is a character builder, planner and sheet for PF2E. Please note that the Web and Android versions are separate products and require individual purchases to fully unlock.
Point Out - Actions - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition …
You indicate a creature that you can see to one or more allies, gesturing in a direction and describing the distance verbally. That creature is hidden to your allies, rather than undetected . This works only for allies who can see you and are in a position where they could potentially detect the target.
PubAlchem - an Alchemist's resource : r/Pathfinder2e - Reddit
2020年12月16日 · Our First PF2e Release! A Frozen Adventure for Players of Any Level, From 1 to 16!
开拓者2版中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限公司
开拓者2版(Pathfinder 2nd)是美国PAIZO公司出品的广受好评的TRPG桌面扮演规则——开拓者(PF)的最新版规则。 采用了更具特色的三动作回合机制,更严谨规范的数据框架。 本维基为开拓者2版规则的中文维基,主要内容包括PF2版的规则数据库,以及开拓者世界观的维基百科。
Zenith Games: Pathfinder 2nd Edition: Guide to the Guides
2019年9月14日 · Honestly RPGBOT isn't a good source for PF2e content in my opinion (and a majority of the PF2e community). They don't play the system and are out of touch with the balance of the game or its general aspects
Pathfinder 2E Remaster (A.K.A. Pathfinder 2.5E) - RPG PUB
2017年7月29日 · Paizo announced today that it is working on updating and re-issuing four Pathfinder core books over the course of a year. The Second Edition Remaster Project will see new editions of Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder GM Core, release in November 2023.
Anyone using 'Pathfinder 2E' for an OSR asthetic style game? - RPG PUB
2023年4月3日 · The best way to do it would be to take the action economy of PF2E, the adv/disadvantage system from 5E and lay B/X down on top of it. IMO, the action economy in PF2E is the only thing worth saving. The rest of the system is …
Mass Combat Rules for Pathfinder 2e - RPG PUB
2019年2月18日 · So, I've come up with some mass combat rules for PF2e. It's highly inspired by Warhammer Fantasy Battles 3rd edition (since that is the only edition I every played), but tried to maintain the Pathfinder standard scale for everything.
Switching to PF2e... What genuinely overpowered stuff do I ... - Reddit
2022年7月9日 · The tagline of PF2e is “come on in, try anything and everything, it’s all balanced.” Power creep is the antithesis of that. Just look at 5e and difference between, say, the Nature or War Cleric from the PHB and the Twilight or Peace Cleric from Tasha’s. PF2e is specifically trying to avoid that kind of power-creeped imbalance.
Raise Shields! A PF2e Guide to Shields : r/Pathfinder2e - Reddit
After searching for a comprehensive shield guide and coming up empty, I made one! I would love any feedback, you can comment right on the document if you wish. I love shields in PF2e and I want to help being shields to anyone who wants to use them! Nice overview for beginner players, just lacking a short discussion of the normal shields.