What's the meaning of "out" here? - English Language Learners …
2014年1月22日 · However for this particular example it has a very specific meaning. In fact Out in "Out West" does not has its individual meaning. Out west here is used as an Idiom that refers to the "Western part of the United States". You can find the reference here. It usually refers to the states of California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona etc.
What are the differences between "check it" and "check it out"?
2015年10月28日 · It is not the only case. In many cases, the addition of "out" makes the sentences/phrases awkward to me, though this type of sentences/phrases are available in English movies, such as "David held the box" makes sense, but if I add 'out' after the word 'held out' (David held out the box) does not make any sense, i.e I can not understand the meaning.
word usage - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
In "everyday" English (by which I assume you mean informal, that is, they type of loose language used, for example, when speaking to friends) expressions such as "from now on", "from here on out", and "after this" are more commonly used in general.
when to use "take me away from here" and "get me out of here"?
Get me out of here. means there is danger and you want someone to get you out of that place. This implies a person will rescue you. Take me away from here [or out of here] means: Be my guide and take me out of here. It implies a person will accompany you away from the place but the place is not necessarily dangerous, just not great.
What does the phrase "that checks out" mean here?
2015年7月18日 · The idiom "to check out" has a lot of meanings, but here it means sense 10: to be confirmed. You are performing a check using the side mirror; you are checking the mirror for traffic. The use of the idiom here is fairly informal and imprecise, but not wrong.
What does the phrase 'nets out' mean?
We have a number of verbs that partner with out: turns out. comes out. nets out. and out refers to the abstract idea of become manifest. That is how events will unfold. nets contributes the sense the outcome involves numbers or a combination of factors some of which are "positive" and others "negative". The outcome is the result when the ...
meaning - What does "we are out"mean here? - English Language …
2024年9月28日 · To repeat what Esco said, "we are out", in this context, is short for "we are out of sauce." But I want to add what "we are out of sauce" tells you a bit more than "we have no sauce." It means that they normally have sauce, but they have served it all. That is, they have run out. The next day they will probably have more.
'Out of curiosity' means I'm not curious at all. Isn't it?
2014年6月27日 · "Out of curiosity" doesn't necessarily mean that you are not curious at all. "out of" here is also the same as "because of" Like for example; because of curiosity,I entered the faculty room without knocking. Your curious of what's inside the faculty room and this curiosity prompted you to enter it. "Out of ..." may mean because of, or in ...
What does "out back" mean in this sentence: "It seems there was a ...
2023年9月2日 · For example, a shoe store might have some shoes on display but others stored in the staff area “out back”, or “out the back” depending on dialect. In the case of a crematorium, the “front” customer-accessible area is usually a chapel. “Out back” is where the furnace is and the cremations actually happen.
word request - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
From these suggestions, I searched again and remembered another term and I'm not sure just how much it is used. I found tilt door (or tilt-out). Is it a common term? Also I did look up here here for the definition and it would seem that it matches the description of this particular door that I want to know about. –