Practical Introduction to Frequency-Domain Analysis - MathWorks
Measuring Harmonics at the Output of a Non-Linear Power Amplifier. Load the data measured at the output of a power amplifier that has third order distortion of the form v o = v i + 0. 7 5 v i 2 + 0. 5 v i 3, where v o is the output voltage and v i is the input voltage. The data was captured with a sample rate of 3.6 kHz.
Formatting Text - MathWorks
The field width in a formatting operator is a nonnegative integer that specifies the number of digits or characters in the output when formatting input values. For example, in the operator %7.3f, the field width is 7. Specify different field widths. To show the width for each output, use the | character. By default, the output text is padded ...
How to suppress command output? - MATLAB Answers
2012年12月9日 · Matlab version - (R2011a) Hear me out here, I know that to suppress output you put a semicolon at the end of a line. However even after adding the semicolon at the end of each line of my...
fprintf - MathWorks
Example: The input arguments ('%*.*f',6,4,pi,9,6,exp(1)) return '3.1416 2.718282', with 9 and 6 as the field width and precision for the output of exp(1). Note If you specify a precision operator for floating-point values that exceeds the precision of the input numeric data type, the results might not match the input values to the precision you ...
[sys] output. - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central - MathWorks
2012年2月6日 · Hi, How do we distinguish between different outputs [sys] of the functions in Matlab level 1 s-function? I have sys=u(i); and I want to use it an input in a different function..
About Passivity and Passivity Indices - MathWorks
You can also use passiveplot to plot the input, output, or I/O passivity indices as a function of frequency. This plot provides insight into which frequency bands have weaker or stronger passivity. There are many results quantifying how the input and output passivity indices propagate through parallel, series, or feedback interconnections.
fft - MathWorks
The output Y is always complex even if all the imaginary parts are zero. For more information, see Run MATLAB Functions on a GPU (Parallel Computing Toolbox) . Distributed Arrays Partition large arrays across the combined memory of your cluster using Parallel Computing Toolbox™.
What is the meaning of the task overrun detected output?
2017年10月26日 · Everything is discrete, integer multiples of the fundamental sample time of 0.0005. The overruns are almost certainly caused by too much processing, however my question is specifically about why the output of the task overrun detection is so vague. It would actually be useful if the output message told me which rate group overran.
Difference Between Copy and Copy Output - MATLAB Answers
2022年1月22日 · Ah, you are getting different options because your output is a symbolic expression. You are getting the options for copying for a symbolic expression (Copy, Copy as LaTeX, Copy as MathML) and then the options for any live script output (Copy Ouput, Copy All …
What does a tilde (~) inside square brackets mean?
2013年4月18日 · As far as the community experts have been able to tell, the implementation is that an output slot is still created for the ~ variables, but that no symbol table entry is created and the output is released afterwards -- the same way that for 1 + 2 + 3 an output slot must be created for the (1+2) part but the slot is unnamed and will be released.