Ovie Carter - Wikipedia
Ovie Carter (born March 11, 1946) was an American photographer for the Chicago Tribune from 1969 to 2004. He won the Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting for his coverage of famine …
Ovie Carter's Biography - The HistoryMakers
2010年5月26日 · Photojournalist Ovie Carter was born on March 11, 1946 in Indianola, Mississippi to Grover and Mary Carter. Carter grew up in several different cities and attended …
Ovie Carter - World Press Photo
Ovie Carter (Indianola, Mississippi 1946) studied at the Ray Vogue School of Photography in Chicago using the G.I. Bill, after a spending a year in the US Air Force (1966-1967). After …
人行道 – 游擊文化
2018年8月24日 · 歐維.卡特(Ovie Carter) 《芝加哥論壇報》(Chicago Tribune)攝影記者,曾在非洲和印度拍攝記錄大饑荒,生涯中大部分歲月都在報導芝加哥的貧窮社區。曾獲普立 …
人行道 - 豆瓣读书
歐維.卡特(Ovie Carter) 《芝加哥論壇報》(Chicago Tribune)攝影記者,曾在非洲和印度拍攝記錄大饑荒,生涯中大部分歲月都在報導芝加哥的貧窮社區。曾獲普立茲獎,並多次得到美 …
Sidewalk (豆瓣) - 豆瓣读书
2000年12月20日 · 作者: Mitchell Duneier / Ovie Carter / [美国] 米切尔·邓奈尔 出版社: Farrar, Straus and Giroux 出版年: 2000-12-20 页数: 400 定价: USD 19.00 装帧: Paperback ISBN: …
Ovie Carter and his colleague, William Mullen of the ‘Chicago Tribune’, won the Pulitzer Prize in International Reporting in 1975 for their series entitled ‘The Faces of Hunger’, providing …
人行道王国 - 百度百科
《人行道王国》是美国社会学家米切尔·邓奈尔的代表作,内附普利策奖得主奥维·卡特的摄影作品。本书获赖特·米尔斯奖。2019年3月由华东师范大学出版社引进,薄荷实验出品。本书呈现了 …
1975 Ovie Carter WY - World Press Photo
Ovie Carter. Chicago Tribune. 01 July, 1974. A mother comforts her starving child at a camp in Kao, a tiny village in the Tahoua region of central Niger. From 1968 to 1974, severe drought …
Ovie Carter, Awarded Pulitzer Prize For International Reporting
2024年1月27日 · Ovie Carter (born March 11, 1946) was an American photographer for the Chicago Tribune from 1969 to 2004. He won the Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting for …