Impaired bone formation in ovariectomized mice reduces implant …
2017年9月14日 · Specifically, 12 week-old C57BL/6J mice underwent OVX/SHM surgery; 9 weeks after we inserted special metal-ceramics implants into the 6 th caudal vertebra and we measured bone response with in vivo micro-CT weekly for the following 6 weeks. Our results indicated that ovariectomized mice showed a reduced ability to increase the thickness of the ...
Mechanical competence of ovariectomy-induced compromised …
2015年6月1日 · OVX caused a marked deterioration of the trabecular and cortical bone micro-structure, manifested as a considerable decrease in Ct.Th (−9%), BV (−52.6%), BV/TV (−63.6%), Tb.N (−75.0%) and ...
PTH (1–34) treatment and/or mechanical loading have different ...
2020年6月1日 · This finding in Ct.Th is contrary to the constant linear increase observed in OVX rats 19, and in 19-months-old intact mice where PTH exacerbated age-related thinning of the cortical bone...
去卵巢小鼠股骨微结构的动态变化研究 - tmmu.edu.cn
本研究以C57小鼠为实验动物,通过双侧卵巢摘除术诱导骨质疏松模型,模拟绝经后不同时期,应用micro-CT扫描和骨组织切片染色技术,观察术后不同时间点的骨量和骨组织形态学变化,旨在发现小鼠绝经后骨质动态变化规律,为骨质疏松疾病模型观察提供参考,也可以为筛选疾病防治的最佳阶段提供依据。 7周龄未孕雌性C57小鼠 (SPF级),购自重庆医科大学实验动物中心,分笼后继续于该中心在标准条件下饲养...
The longitudinal effects of ovariectomy on the morphometric ...
2019年10月1日 · A significant increase in Ct.Th was observed at week 16 in BL6-CTRL, but not until week 20 in BL6-OVX. In both BaC-CTRL and BaC-OVX, Ct.Th was significantly higher than baseline by week 20 and significantly increased thereafter until week 24. Time-effects for remaining cortical parameters are reported in Table 2.
JCI - Ovariectomy induces bone loss via microbial-dependent …
Here, we show that ovariectomy (ovx) expanded intestinal Th17 cells and TNF + T cells, increased their S1P receptor 1–mediated (S1PR1-mediated) egress from the intestine, and enhanced their subsequent influx into the BM through CXCR3- …
【中科院1区12.4】微生物+代谢+转录组|浙大附属邵逸夫医院姚 …
2025年1月2日 · 研究发现,肠道微生物群的耗竭会显著削弱运动对骨质疏松的保护作用,而 FMT能够有效传递运动小鼠的肠道微生物特征,从而改善骨质流失,为通过调节肠道微生物群来预防和治疗骨质疏松症提供了新的思路。 2. 发现特定代谢物在骨质保护中的关键作用: 通过 代谢组学 分析,研究发现运动小鼠的 肠道代谢物谱发生了显著变化,特别是 胆汁酸代谢途径中的牛磺酸(Tau)和熊去氧胆酸(UDCA)显著增加。 进一步的实验表明,补充这些代谢物能够显著改 …
小鼠卵巢摘除模型OVX(骨质疏松)构建细节 - 知乎
小鼠卵巢摘除(ovariectomy,简称ovx)是一个较成熟的动物模型,通过双侧 卵巢摘除术 可以成功建立模拟雌激素缺乏而导致的骨质疏松动物模型。 卵巢所在位置 图源网络
The influence of therapeutic radiation on the patterns of bone ...
Ct.Th increased in the OVX groups following irradiation. I+R mice exhibited diminished osteoblast surface, osteoclast number, and mineral apposition. Our murine model showed the systemic effects (via (45)Ca excretion) and local effects (via bone microarchitecture and surface activity) of clinically relevant, therapeutic radiation exposure.
Impaired bone healing pattern in mice with ovariectomy-induced ...
2011年6月1日 · Micro-CT reconstruction and histological examination consistently demonstrated less new bone formation in both defect region (day 10 and day 14) and intra-medulla region (day 7, day 10 and day 14) in OVX mice as compared to Sham mice, suggesting that intramembranous ossification was impaired during bone healing in the OVX-induced osteoporotic bone.
The unique role of bone marrow adipose tissue in ovariectomy …
2023年9月8日 · Micro-CT, osmium tetroxide staining, and histological analyses were performed to examine the changes in bone microstructure, BMAT and white adipose tissue (WAT) in OVX mice compared to sham mice. The osteogenesis and adipogenesis of primary bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) isolated from sham and OVX mice were compared in vitro.
The Magnitude and Rate of Bone Loss in Ovariectomized Mice …
2008年6月26日 · The ovariectomized (OVX) mouse is well suited for osteoporosis research, as shown to date by cross-sectional studies. Here, we investigate longitudinal changes by in vivo micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) to examine the skeletal response to OVX and patterns of change in three inbred strains of mice.
Corylifol A protects against ovariectomized-induced bone loss and ...
2023年2月20日 · In vivo, CA effectively prevented trabecular bone loss and reduced osteoclasts' number on the bone surface in OVX mice, as demonstrated in micro-CT, osteometry, and immunohistochemical data. However, CA did not affect cortical bone.
Cortical and trabecular morphology is altered in the limb ... - Nature
2017年9月5日 · In this study, we used longitudinal micro-CT scans in ovariectomized and sham-operated Longshanks and random-bred control mice to test the overall hypothesis that accelerated bone growth and...
The Influence of Therapeutic Radiation on the Patterns of Bone ...
2013年1月12日 · Ct.Th increased in the OVX groups following irradiation. I+R mice exhibited diminished osteoblast surface, osteoclast number, and mineral apposition. Our murine model showed the systemic effects (via 45Ca excretion) and local effects (via bone microarchitecture and surface activity) of clinically relevant, therapeutic radiation exposure.
The effects of simvastatin on the bone microstructure and …
2024年9月18日 · This study aimed to investigate the effect of simvastatin on the bone microstructure and bone mechanical properties in ovariectomized (OVX) mice. 24 female C57BL/6J mice (8-week-old) were randomly allocated into three groups including the OVX + Sim group, the OVX group and the control group.
Early effects of ovariectomy on bone microstructure, bone …
2022年4月2日 · Vertebral bones and femurs were dissected completely for micro-Computed Tomography (micro-CT) scanning, biological modulus detection and histomorphological observation. In OVX group, bone volume/total volume (BV/TV), bone trabecular connection density (Conn.D) and trabecular bone number (Tb.N) decreased significantly with time (P < 0.05).
骨微结构参数可以在微型骨CT减轻兔骨质疏松模型中的骨密度之前 …
这项研究旨在确定X射线显微断层扫描(micro-CT)在预测兔骨质疏松症(OP)模型中催产素(OT)治疗反应中的功效。 65只兔随机分为三组:对照组,卵巢切除术(OVX)载体和OVX-催产素组。 对照组接受了假手术。 OVX车辆和OVX催产素组接受双侧OVX。 OVX-催产素组的兔子注射催产素。 在OVX手术后的第0、4、8、10和12周,分别测量了三组的骨矿物质密度(BMD)和骨微结构参数。 骨矿物质密度(BMD),骨体积分数(BV / TV),骨小梁数(Tb.N)和骨小 …
Micro-CT in Osteoporosis Research - SpringerLink
2019年7月26日 · Micro-CT is a widespread tool used for observing the changes in the microarchitecture of the bone tissue; thus the pathology of osteoporosis and the effects of treatments can be well examined by it. It is primarily used in in vitro examinations, but there is opportunity for in vivo experiments too.
Bone microarchitectural parameters can detect oxytocin induced …
2019年11月23日 · Bilateral ovariectomy (OVX) rats are generally used as a classical OPanimal model for postmenopausal OP research. However, the rat skeletal system is different from human of lacking Haversian system and limited bone remodeling according to the literature [3].