Vodka - Wikipedia
Vodka (Polish: wódka [ˈvutka]; Russian: водка [ˈvotkə]; Swedish: vodka [vɔdkɑː]) is a clear distilled alcoholic beverage. Different varieties originated in Poland, Russia, and Sweden. [1] . Vodka is composed mainly of water and ethanol but sometimes with traces of …
伏特加酒 - 百度百科
伏特加酒(vodka、Водка),俄罗斯的传统 酒精饮料。 伏特加是以谷物、薯类、糖蜜及其他可食用农作物等为原料,经发酵、蒸馏制成食用酒精,再经过特殊工艺精制加工而成的 蒸馏酒。 [2] 风味伏特加是以伏特加为酒基,添加食品用天然香料、香精,可加糖或不加糖调配而成的 饮料酒。 伏特加酒以 谷物 或 马铃薯 为原料,经过蒸馏制成高达95度的酒精,再用 蒸馏水 淡化至40度到60度,并经过 活性炭过滤,使酒质更加晶莹澄澈,无色且清淡爽口,使人感到不甜、不苦、 …
伏特加 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
伏特加 (波蘭語: wódka, 發音: [ˈvutka] (ⓘ); 烏克蘭語: горілка, 發音: [ɦoˈrʲiɫkɐ] (ⓘ);俄語: водка [ˈvotkə])是一種由水和乙醇製成的 蒸餾酒,是 東歐 和 北歐 的主要酒精飲料之一。 伏特加酒的 酒精含量 通常在35%~50%之間,依據不同的原產國有不同的酒精含量規定,例如 歐盟 伏特加的酒精含量需高於37.5% [1][2],美國的則是要高於40% [3]。 伏特加起源於 斯拉夫民族,最早的文獻記錄來自於15世紀的 波蘭,並於17世紀發展出現代的釀酒產業 [4][5], …
Wodka Shop | Spirits from Poland | Buy Vodka Online | Polish Vodka
Spirits from Poland online. We offer the best selection of high-quality Polish spirits & liqueurs direct from destilleries throughout Poland. Polish Beer and Spirit Importer.
The 14 Best Vodkas to Drink - Liquor.com
2022年4月28日 · With the help of our experts, below you'll find a curated list of the best vodkas to get right now. Region: California | ABV: 40% | Tasting notes: Orange, White pepper, Cinnamon. In 2002, St. George Spirits birthed this small-batch vodka in an old aircraft hangar in California.
Wyborowa - Wikipedia
Wyborowa (the feminine of the Polish adjective wyborowy 'fine') or Wódka Wyborowa is a brand of Polish vodka. [1] . The adjective was used in a favorable press article and then added after the word wódka 'vodka', resulting in the final name Wódka Wyborowa.
Oka 9K714 / SS-23 SPIDER - GlobalSecurity.org
2018年10月20日 · In 1987 the launcher of the new OTRK 9K714U “Oka-U” of high accuracy with a wide range of combat equipment was first tested on the BAZ-69481 chassis.
Wotka Realty LLC
Michael Wotka has been working in the real estate industry for over a decade, and has been a licensed Realtor since 2013. Better yet, see me in person! Feel free to visit during normal business hours. Drop us a line! Copyright © 2019 Wotka Realty LLC - All Rights Reserved.
WÓDKA Vodka - An Honest Vodka
WÓDKA is an honest vodka. We make it from the finest Polish rye by distilling it five times and charcoal filtering it twice. The result is a clean, no-frills, high quality vodka that tastes good in cocktails, and also tastes good out of cocktails.
SS-23 Spider 9K714 OTR-23 Oka - Army Recognition
2024年7月29日 · The OTR-23 OKA 9K714 (NATO Code name SS-23 Spider) is a Soviet-made short-range road-mobile theatre ballistic missile. The system is based on an 8x8 truck chassis with one 9M714 surface-to-surface ballistic missile carried at the rear of the chassis.