download | osu!
click the button above to download the installer, then run it! follow the prompts when starting the game to sign in or make a new account. browse the vast library of user-created beatmaps and …
GitHub - ppy/osu: rhythm is just a *click* away!
Rhythm is just a click away! This is the future – and final – iteration of the osu! game client which marks the beginning of an open era! Currently known by and released under the release codename " lazer ". As in sharper than cutting-edge. This project is under constant development, but we do our best to keep things in a stable state.
Hoopsier/osu-lazer - GitHub
osu! is designed to allow user-created gameplay variations, called "rulesets". Building one of these allows a developer to harness the power of the osu! beatmap library, game engine, and general UX for a new style of gameplay. To get started working on a ruleset, we have some templates available here.
osu! (lazer) 更新:PP系统正式上架 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年1月31日 · 新版lazer对于游戏机制的更改,也许并非所有人都能接受,即使现在PP上线了也是如此。 之后大部分玩家是否会接受并转而常用,目前还没有定论。
OSU!Lazer常见问题解答 (机翻自原文) - 哔哩哔哩
osu!(lazer) Updates & The Path to Ranked Play · news
2023年9月8日 · Exciting steps have been taken, with even more exciting steps yet to come! Your monthly dose of improvements to the game has arrived. It comes in the form of a video, which you can watch below, and a big list of changes you can find right here (below) or here.
osu!lazer 2022.630.0 : osu! development team : Free Download, …
2022年6月30日 · A free-to-win rhythm game. Rhythm is just a click away! The future of osu! and the beginning of an open era! Currently known by and released under the release codename " lazer ". As in sharper than cutting-edge. This project is under heavy development, but is in a …
从零开始的 osu!lazer 入门指南 | osu!dictionary
根据 ppy 的说法,osu!lazer 是近几年来 osu! 开发团队工作的结晶。 他们从零开始重构了 Lazer,并且添加了很多有用或者有意思的功能。 如果你曾经玩过 Stable,或者你比较好奇,可以看看下面的表格,了解 Lazer 有哪些酷炫的变化。 Lazer是开源项目,你可以在GitHub上找到托管Lazer源代码的仓库:传送门。 在开始游戏前,推荐您先调整好你自己喜欢的游戏习惯。 可以使用以下方式,打开设置面板: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0, Built with Docusaurus.
osu!lazer 指南主页 | osu!dictionary
我们编写了一些针对 osu!lazer 新人玩家的入门指南与操作技巧。 无论你是刚踏入 osu! 新世界的大门,还是刚从 osu!stable 转移到 lazer,这些文章都能多多少少,切实地解决一些你可能遇到的问题。 This work is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0, Built with Docusaurus. 欢迎来到 osu!lazer 指南! 这是主项目 osu!dictionary 的一部分。