New effects in low energy scattering of pµ atoms | Interactions
Strong solid state effects in low energy scattering of pµ atoms in solid hydrogen are reported and analyzed. Such effects have been observed in TRIUMF experiment E742 where muons are stopped in thin frozen (3 K) layers of hydrogen.
Time evolution of energy and spin state distribution of (pµ)
Shakirov, V.A. Time evolution of energy and spin state distribution of (pµ) 1s atoms. Hyperfine Interact 101, 141–149 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02227615. Download citation. Issue Date: December 1996. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02227615
如何证明即Pµ(t)是一个四矢量? - 知乎
证实标量场的四动量Pµ在洛伦兹变换按P′µ (t′) = ΛµνPν (t) 变换,即Pµ (t)是一个四矢量?
The rare hyperon decay Σ+ → pµ+µ− gained much attention in 2005 when the HyperCP Collaboration at Fermilab reported the first evidence for this mode consisting of three events with the same dimuon invariant mass M µµ = 214.3 MeV [1].
Decay rate and asymmetries of Σ+ → pμ+μ− - Springer
2018年10月5日 · The LHCb Collaboration has recently reported evidence for the rare hyperon decay Σ + → pμ+μ− that is consistent with the standard model expectation. Motivated by this new result we revisit the calculation of this mode including both long and short distance contributions.
On momentum operator in quantum field theory - Academia.edu
We propose a modification of a recently introduced generalized translation operator, by including a q-exponential factor, which implies in the definition of a Hermitian deformed linear momentum operatorpq, and its canonically conjugate deformed position operatorxq.
由 粒子的四维速度Uµ与 电磁场的四维势Aµ可 构成一个不变量UµAµ , f1. 拉格朗日形式. 式中p是粒子的机械动量。 在电磁场中粒 子的正则动量不等于它的机械动量,而. 是附加上一项qA。 电动力学六七 (电磁场中带电粒子的拉格朗日量和哈密顿量)-13下面我们说明从S的不变性就可以基本上确定带 电粒子拉格朗日函数的形式。 自由粒子情形。 粒子的状态由速 度确定。 和粒子速度有关的协变 量是四维速度Uµ ,而由Uµ 只能构 成 一 个 不 变 量UµUµ=-c2。 因 此, L只能是一个洛 …
The µ − transverse-polarization asymmetry P − T in Σ + → pµ + µ …
Using (10 087±44)×106 J/ψ events collected with the BESIII detector, the radiative hyperon decay Σ+→pγ is studied at an electron-positron collider experiment for the first time. The absolute...
The efficiency weights for Λ + c → pµ - ResearchGate
Download scientific diagram | The efficiency weights for Λ + c → pµ + µ − as a function of the dimuon invariant mass squared m 2 (µ + µ − ) and by the invariant mass of the proton and ...
Testing the HyperCP anomaly at LHCb: evidence for the Σ+ → pµ …
2019年9月13日 · A search for Σ + → p µ+µ− decays with LHCb Run 1 data is presented, yielding an evidence for this decay and a measurement of a branching fraction compatible with the Standard Model. The HyperCP anomaly in the dimuon invariant mass distribution is not confirmed, and its branching fraction central value is excluded at 95% CL.