Reduced properties - Wikipedia
In thermodynamics, the reduced properties of a fluid are a set of state variables scaled by the fluid's state properties at its critical point. These dimensionless thermodynamic coordinates, taken together with a substance's compressibility factor, provide the basis for the simplest form of the theorem of corresponding states. [1]
GitHub - sindresorhus/p-reduce: Reduce a list of values using …
pReduce (input, reducer, initialValue?) Returns a Promise that is fulfilled when all promises in input and ones returned from reducer are fulfilled, or rejects if any of the promises reject. The fulfilled value is the result of the reduction. Type: Iterable<Promise|any> Iterated over serially in the reducer function. Type: Function.
p-reduce - npm
p-reduce. Reduce a list of values using promises into a promise for a value. Useful when you need to calculate some accumulated value based on async resources. Install $ npm install p-reduce Usage
谨慎使用边缘显著性结论:我差一点就显著了,我该怎么办? - 知乎
统计推断时,常以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义,不过实际中,有些研究结果的P值会稍稍的大于0.05,或在0.05的边缘附近,比如P值=0.066。 类似情况下,我们会看到一些既往科研论文会报告具有边缘显著性。 比如下面这…
Stata:非线性模型的中介效应检验-khb - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在进行研究的过程中,有时自变量 对因变量 的影响并不那么直接,可能 对 一部分作用是通过 先对 产生影响, 再对 产生影响。 也就是说不仅 自身会对 产生直接的影响,也可能同时找一个“中间人”来影响 。 这个“中间人”就是中介变量, 影响 再影响 的这个过程就是中介效应。 全文阅读: lianxh.cn/news/bf8f71d3. 全文阅读: https://www.lianxh.cn/news/bf8f71d392293.html 目录1. 中介效应的研究1.1 什么是中介效应1.2 中介效应的一般检验方式 (常见的线性模型)1.3 中介效应的 …
[1909.03301] p-reduced multicomponent KP hierarchy and classical …
2019年9月7日 · Abstract: For each partition p of an integer N \geq 2, consisting of r parts, an integrable hierarchy of Lax type Hamiltonian PDE has been constructed recently by some of us. In the present paper we show that any tau-function of the p-reduced r-component KP hierarchy produces a solution of this integrable hierarchy.
Reduced Pressure - vCalc
The Reduced Pressure calculator computes the reduced pressure (pr), one of a set of reduced properties of a fluid substance, defined by the ratio of the actual pressure (p), to the substance's critical pressure (pcr). INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the preferred units and enter the following: (p) Actual Measured Pressure (pcr) Critical Pressure for …
Stata:8大中介效应检验命令大比拼_逐步系数检验+两步法+sobel …
2023年10月20日 · 中介效应是间接效应的一种,模型中在只有一个中介变量的情况下,中介效应等于间接效应;当中介变量不止一个的情况下,中介效应不等于间接效应,此时间接效应可以是部分中介效应和(或)所有中介效应的总和。 自变量X对因变量Y的影响,如果X变量通过影响M变量来影响Y变量,则M为中介变量。 通常将变量经过中心化转化后,得方程. 方程3 :Y= c′X+bM+e3。 其中,c是X对Y的总效应,a、b是经过中介变量M的中介效应,c′是直接效应。 当只有一个中 …
p-reduce | Yarn
p-reduce. Reduce a list of values using promises into a promise for a value. Useful when you need to calculate some accumulated value based on async resources. Install $ npm install p-reduce Usage
Can P problems be reduced to NP-Complete problems
2021年11月11日 · So to reduce a P problem to an NP-complete problem, you can just solve the P problem, leaving it vacuously reduced. (The problem of sorting a list known to already be sorted is formally equivalent to the knapsack problem with zero stones.
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