Atlus - Wikipedia
Creative Department 2nd Production (P-Studio): Headed by Kazuhisa Wada, this group was established by Atlus during the development of Persona 3 in 2006, to co-exist with the Creative Department 1st Production also known as Team Maniax, who were primarily responsible for developing entries in the Megami Tensei series at the company.
ATLUS - 百度百科
梦幻骑士Ⅰ是日本ATLUS社在1999年11月25日发售的PLAYSTATION用游戏软件(BEST版和续作梦幻骑士Ⅱ一起在2001年7月26日同时发售)。 游戏类型 为ノンストップ・ドラマチックRPG(即Nonstop Dramatic RPG)。 人设担当是漆原智志(うるし原智志),他也是著名游戏系列梦幻模拟战(ラングリッサー)人设的担当。 本系列的4代和5代间可以说是一个很大的转折和传承,因为系列5代和4代之间间隔期很长,战斗时将以全新的3D形式出现,不过5还是引起了很 …
P Studio (Company) - Giant Bomb
P Studio is an internal development team within Atlus devoted to the development of the Persona series. The team was formed from the already existing Persona development team that had been responsible for Persona 3 and Persona 4, in addition to their remakes.
随着真5的公开,聊聊如今的Atlus创作团队 - 哔哩哔哩
甚至你买的副島成記画集,其实里面的画都不是副島一个人的,仔细一看,书名叫《副島成記&P-studio Art Unit ART WORKS》。 毕竟副島自己沉溺于单图层作画“炫技”,自己也承认基本功不如女助手,所以自己更喜欢设计而不是绘画。
P-Studio - Gematsu
P-Studio, also known as Creative Department 2nd Production, is a video game developer and subsidiary of ATLUS headquartered in Setagawa, Tokyo, Japan. It is known for the Persona series. ATLUS...
P-Studio | Nintendo | Fandom
P-Studio, also known as Creative Department 2nd Production, is a development studio and subsidiary of the publisher Atlus, formerly owned by Index Corporation and currently under the ownership of game developer & publisher Sega as of 2013. Since 2006, the team has been primarily responsible for...
《女神异闻录5》是P-Studio开发的角色扮演游戏,为《女神异闻录》系列的第6部正作和20周年纪念作。 游戏于2013年11月24日宣布制作,并于2016年9月15日在PlayStation 3、PlayStation 4平台上发售。
P-Studio - Audiovisual Identity Database
2025年3月11日 · P-Studio is an internal development team that was formed within Atlus, which is devoted to the development of the Persona series. It was formed from the already existing Persona development team, which they were responsible for Persona 3 and Persona 4 , as well the remakes of the first two Persona games (the PlayStation Portable versions of ...
Atlus - 萌娘百科_万物皆可萌的百科全书
第二创意工作室(P-Studio):主要作品包括《女神异闻录》系列等。 第三创意工作室(Studio Zero):主要作品包括《 凯瑟琳 》、新IP作品(即《 暗喻幻想:ReFantazio 》)等。
ATLUS《女神异闻录》开发团队(P-STUDIO)的和田和久、新妻 …
2023年6月16日 · ATLUS《女神异闻录》开发团队(P-STUDIO)的和田和久、新妻良太、山口拓也接受4gamer采访,继续为玩家介绍了一些《女神异闻录3 Reload》的细节,例如追加男性伙伴角色的相关描写、COMMU剧情为全语音等等。