mains - When can I use the formula P=V^2/R? - Electrical …
2016年6月18日 · The way P=V^2/R works is very much different than they way you applied it. The voltage in that formula must be the one across the load or subject of which you are interested …
Ohm’s Law Calculator – P, I, V, R Calculator - Electrical Technology
Below are the four Electrical calculators based on Ohm’s Law with Electrical Formulas and Equations of Power, Current, Voltage and Resistance in AC and DC Single phase & Three …
power - Why can I use P = I²R but not P=V²/R when calculating …
for finding out power supplied by the battery we use the formula, P = V*I; where V is the voltage across its terminal and I is current flowing out positive terminal. For finding out power …
負載的平均消耗功率:到底是V平方除以R? 1/2、1/4 還是 1/8 的 V …
2015年6月4日 · 就是我常常在書上看到,一顆電阻負載 R,在他身上的平均消耗功率 P,會出現以下幾個式子: \begin{align}P_{L}=\frac{V^{2}}{R}\end{align} …
Difference between $I^2R$ and $V^2/R$ and $VI$ for measuring power $P$
As you saw from my example, it is simpler to find power from a resistor in series by using $P=I^2R$. Similarly, for parallel circuits, it is easy to get the power by $P=\frac{V^2}{R}$ . But …
When to use P=I^2R, P=VI, P=V^2/R? - Physics Forums
2014年5月1日 · I know that P = I^2R is to find heat loss. but can we use P = V^2/R or P = IV to find the heat loss? simply when do we use which?? (or can we use all anytime?) The question …
P = V²/R equation help - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
Substitute the definitions for voltage, current, and power into the formula for electrical power (\$P=\frac{V^2}{R}\$). You should be able to see how they all relate when you do that.
Solve P=V^2/R | Microsoft Math Solver
Trying derive a = v2/R with complex numbers. The easiest way to do this is to use z (t) = re^ {i\omega t} to indicate the position vector of the particle as a complex number on the plane of …
electric circuits - $P=V^2/R$ confusion - Physics Stack Exchange
2016年2月14日 · $\begingroup$ In the equation $P = V^2/R$ all of the values are for a single element. In other words, $V$ is the voltage dropped across the bulb, $R$ is the resistance of …
功率因数在有功功率、无功功率和视在功率中的作用_有功功率无功 …
2024年5月30日 · 有功功率(p):有功功率相对于无功功率而言就比较直观,主观意识上是满足人们的所期望的需求,直接将电能转换成人们所需要的如电灯的光能、电机的机械能、以及热水 …
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