P_Wall (2009) - Matsys
Andrew Kudless’s P_Wall, commissioned by SFMOMA for this exhibition and its permanent collection, marks a radical reinvention of the gallery wall. Typically smooth, firm, regular and, by convention, “neutral,” the gallery wall has shed its secondary status to become a protagonist in the space it lines.
Andrew Kudless, P_Wall, 2009 - SFMOMA
P_Wall was commissioned by SFMOMA for the 2009 exhibition Sensate: Bodies and Design, which presented objects that reflect expanded notions of the body. Kudless’s piece marks an acute reinvention of the gallery it occupies: the white, smooth, planar, and, by convention, neutral wall has shed its secondary status to become a protagonist in the ...
P_Wall - Andrew Kudless — Google Arts & Culture
P_Wall possesses an unmistakable corporeal quality. Bulges and folds, crevices and pockmarks, creases and cracks are among the abject characteristics of human flesh that come to the fore. In...
Form, growth, behavior: the making of Andrew Kudless's "P_Wall"
Andrew Kudless discusses "P_Wall," a 45-foot-long wall installation composed of undulating, bulbous forms. Kudless demonstrates the techniques used to create the work at his design studio,...
P Wall - Concreteworks
The wall is made up of 34 panels that create a fluid, organic texture that emulates softness despite being hard to the touch.
Andrew Kudless | P_Wall (2009) - Artsy
Perhaps the most influential artist of the 20th century, Pablo Picasso may be best known for pioneering Cubism and fracturing the two-dimensional picture plane in order to convey three …
P_Wall (Weathering) - Matsys
This projects explores the potential weathering of P_Wall. Beyond the simple marks of humans in a gallery environment, the wall is located outside, open to the elements. The undulating forms would collect dust, pollen, soot over time.
リリカラは、空間を彩る様々なアイデアで、新たなインテリアを創造しています。 1907年にスタートを切ってから今日まで、壁紙で初のグッドデザイン賞を獲得するなど、先見的デザインと、テクノロジーで、インテリアの先端を歩み続けてきました。 常に新しいデザインと付加価値機能商品の開発・供給に取り組み、建築・インテリア業界から高い評価を得ております。 TECTURE is Database for all architects. TECTUREとは? TECTUREを活用してみませんか? …
p-wall. は、指定材料のピーウォールクロス(壁紙)とピーウォールペイント(塗料)を 使用し、指定工法に基づいて管理、施工される商品です。この条件を満たした場合におい てのみ、リリカラの責任管理による防火壁装材料として認められます。 防火性能
The detail of the P-Wall designed by Andrew Kudless
2019年2月28日 · In the architectural nomenclature, there are currently a number of concepts that go beyond the traditionally understood architecture, including mobile, portable, kinetic, flexible and responsive...