[1702.03616] Pulsar braking and the P-Pdot diagram - arXiv.org
2017年2月13日 · The location of radio pulsars in the period-period derivative (P-Pdot) plane has been a key diagnostic tool since the early days of pulsar astronomy. Of particular importance is how pulsars evolve through the P-Pdot diagram with time.
P-Pdot diagram - Vaporia
A P-Pdot diagram is a graph plotting the rates of change of pulsars ' rotation periods (Pdot, meaning a dot "." over a P, for period derivative) against their rotation periods (P).
P and Pdot together give a good indication of the age, magnetic field and luminosity of the pulsar, and a scatter diagram of all known pulsars in the P-Pdot plane is useful in identifying types of pulsars, and constraining radiation mechanisms.
Pulsar braking and the P – |$\dot {P}$| diagram - Oxford Academic
2017年2月17日 · The location of radio pulsars in the period–period derivative (P – |$\dot {P}$|) plane has been a key diagnostic tool since the early days of pulsar astronomy.
A P-Pdot diagram of known pulsars, RRATs, and magnetars
The script constructs a P-Pdot diagram of known pulsars, RRATs, and magnetars. Input: Output: A pdf plot of the diagram. The script was used in the following papers: Mikhailov, K., van Leeuwen, J., Jonker, P. G., 2017, ApJ, 840, 9 A Search for Millisecondpulsar Radio Emission from the Faint Quiescent Soft XRay Transient 1H 1905+000.
Pulsar braking and the P– $\dot{P}$ diagram - IEEE Xplore
The location of radio pulsars in the period–period derivative (P– P˙) plane has been a key diagnostic tool since the early days of pulsar astronomy. Of particular importance is how pulsars evolve through the P– P˙ diagram with time.
Pulsar braking and the P-Pdot diagram [HEAP] - arXiver
2017年2月14日 · The location of radio pulsars in the period-period derivative (P-Pdot) plane has been a key diagnostic tool since the early days of pulsar astronomy. Of particular importance is how pulsars evolve through the P-Pdot diagram with time.
The P-Pdot diagram for pulsars (small symbols), magnetars (filled ...
Download scientific diagram | The P-Pdot diagram for pulsars (small symbols), magnetars (filled rectangles) and an isolated dim X-ray neutron star (diamond), with the positions of the 3 RRATs...
P pdot diagram — nstar-plot documentation
Table of Contents Neutron star plot EOS and M-R curve plot Neutron star crust History of Superconductivity Origin of the elements P pdot diagram Lead nucleus cartoon Bibliography
P-Pdot Diagram - NANOGrav
The spin period vs spin period derivative (how quickly the pulsars spin rate is slowing due to loss of luminous energy) diagram shows the different classes of neutron stars. From it, we have understood different properties of the neutrons stars, how they change over time, etc.