Pattern 1914 Enfield - Wikipedia
The Rifle, .303 Pattern 1914 (or P14) was a British service rifle of the First World War period, principally manufactured under contract by companies in the United States. It was a bolt-action weapon with an integral 5-round magazine.
轻武器科普——恩菲尔德P-14和美国M1917 - 哔哩哔哩
雷明顿UMC在纽约上州的伊利恩城(Ilion)的车间生产P-14,并购买了在宾夕法尼亚州埃迪斯特恩的一间半完工的机车头工厂,虽然是属于雷明顿的子公司,但这间工厂非正式地被称为“埃迪斯特恩兵工厂”(Eddystone Arsenal)。 由于英国人要得很急,为了压缩投产准备的时间,这三家工厂在工装时都根据各自的具体情况(生产设备、生产能力、工人的水平等)在生产型上略作改变,这导致了有个别零件在不同厂家的产品之间不能通用,但因为英国人实在等不及了,于是英国陆军 …
The P14 Rifle: This Gun Isn't Sexy, But It Changed the Course of ...
2019年5月26日 · As a sniper rifle, the P14 was markedly superior to almost any other on the front. The design of the receiver allowed for a scope to be centrally mounted over bore of the rifle, in contrast to...
The Forgotten P14 Enfield Rifle - RECOIL
2021年11月8日 · The P14 Enfield Rifle gives the .303 more “legs” than either the SMLE or No. 4, stretching the effective range out to 800 yards, maybe a little more. Other than in the sniping role, the P14 saw little active combat service. During WWII, it was relegated to rear area soldiers, excepting again, the sniper role.
Enfield Pattern 1914 (Rifle, .303 Pattern 1914) - Military Factory
2018年5月24日 · As built, the P14 rifle has an overall weight of 9.5lb and an overall length of 46.25 inches with a 26 inch barrel assembly. The action was based on the tried-and-true German Mauser action featuring a turn-bolt system and manually actuated by the operator.
ThinkPad P14s Gen 4 (14″ Intel) | Lenovo 最輕巧的行動工作站 | Lenovo …
ThinkPad P14s Gen 4 (14″ Intel) 行動工作站憑藉 16:10 的最佳長寬比,提供您行動中所需的視覺清晰度,讓您能夠自由創新。 擁有 2.8K OLED (2880 x 1800) 解析度、全 DC 調光和 Eyesafe ® 認證等多種選項的螢幕,可提供出色且有效率的觀看體驗,讓您的作品栩栩如生。 而且,有了可選配的 5MP + 紅外線攝影機,您的視訊會議體驗也同樣身臨其境。 憑藉豐富的記憶體和儲存空間,以及極速模式的支援,您的生產力將大幅提升。 此外,多個 USB 和 Thunderbolt™ 4 連接 …
P-14 radar - Wikipedia
The P-14 (also referred to by the NATO reporting name "Tall King") is a 2D VHF radar that was developed and operated by the Soviet Union.
British P-14 Rifle in .303 British – The Other British Enfield
2015年6月24日 · Winchester Model P-14 Sniper .303 British caliber rifle with 3 power Model 1918 scope. The Pattern 14 had an interesting and limited combat history in the First World War.
P-14 linia warunkowego zatrzymania | znakidrogowe.info
Znak P-14 „linia warunkowego zatrzymania złożona z prostokątów wskazuje miejsce zatrzymania pojazdu: 1) na skrzyżowaniu na wlotach dróg równorzędnych; 2) przed przejściem dla pieszych;
Pattern 14 MKI W (T) – The Best Sniper Rifle of World War One
2017年8月30日 · This new rifle was a Winchester-made Pattern 1914 Enfield with a center-mounted optic, and was designated the P14 MkI W(T). The P14 rifles were more accurate than the SMLE, and the centrally mounted optic made for much simpler shooting.