P-18 radar - Wikipedia
The P-18 or 1RL131 Terek (also referred to by the NATO reporting name "Spoon Rest D" in the west) is a 2D VHF radar developed and operated by the former Soviet Union. The P-18 early warning radar is a development of the earlier P-12 radar, the P-18 radar being accepted into service in 1970 following the successful completion of the program. [1] .
P-18 “Spoon Rest D” - Radartutorial
The P-18 “Spoon Rest D” (Russian designator: 1RL131 “Terek”; Cyrillic: 1РЛ131 «Терек») is a general-purpose early warning radar operating in the VHF band. The radar is a further development of the P-12 radar and uses its concept of antenna, transmitter, and receiver.
P-18 (Spoon Rest D) Russian Mobile 2D VHF Radar - United States …
The P-18 or 1RL131 Terek (also referred to by the NATO reporting name "Spoon Rest D" in the west) is a 2D VHF radar developed and operated by the former Soviet Union. The P-18 early warning...
1RL131 P-18 "Terek" SPOON REST-D - GlobalSecurity.org
The P-18-2 mobile ground-based radar station of the meter wavelength range is intended for detection and tracking of airborne objects (VO) in circular and sector surveys (including those made ...
P-18 radar | Military Wiki | Fandom
The P-18 or 1RL131 Terek (also referred to by the NATO reporting name "Spoon Rest D" in the west) is a 2D VHF radar developed and operated by the former Soviet Union. The P-18 early warning radar is a development of the earlier P-12 radar, the P-18 radar being accepted into service in 1970...
2020年11月14日 · 新一代大型导弹驱逐舰项目被命名为P-18型驱逐舰,该舰的排水量超过了13000吨,配备梦幻般的武器系统,纸面的战斗力全面超我国的055型万吨大驱。 因此毫无疑问地成为亚洲第一主力舰,如果现在下水,P18也将成为世界最强的导弹驱逐舰。 目前只有一个问题,它到底在多少年以后能真正服役? 按照印度公布的PPT内容介绍,P18导弹驱逐舰的排水量将超过13000吨,甚至有14000吨,比中国的055型驱逐舰还要多一千多吨,比韩国的KDX驱逐舰 …
立陶宛对P-18(匙架)雷达的现代化改造 - 知乎
如果想看年龄限制作品(R-18・R-18G) – pixiv 帮助
在pixiv,含有性表现的作品归为R-18,含有猎奇表现的作品归为R-18G。 若希望浏览年龄限制作品(R-18、R-18G),则请在设置页面的「浏览与显示」中将,「年龄限制作品」设置为显示。
P-18 | Firefighting Wiki | Fandom
The P-18 water tanker truck is commonly used by the Air Force as a follow on vehicle to the P-19 fire truck. The truck is based on a 6x6 commercial chassis with a 500 GPM pump and a 2000 USG...
苏联P-18雷达车 - 迅网吧
NNIIRT为P-18提供一个升级包,包括安装一个固态发射机和接收机、自动干扰抑制设备以及基于PC的信号处理、测试和接口设备。 P-18的这些升级改型可以被称为P-18M、P-18-1或P-18-2,取决于制造商、改装内容和制造雷达的国家。 P-18在1984年被1L13“Nebo”高频监视雷达取代。 目前,Russian-Belarussian公司为P-18雷达提供升级。 此外,捷克民用和军用电子公司Retia也开发了自己的现代化P-18。 升级了敌我识别系统,同时允许使用传统的敌我识别系统。 整个设备被 …