Lockheed P-38 Lightning - Wikipedia
The Lockheed P-38 Lightning is an American single-seat, twin piston-engined fighter aircraft that was used during World War II. Developed for the United States Army Air Corps (USAAC) by the Lockheed Corporation, the P-38 incorporated a distinctive twin-boom design with a central nacelle containing the cockpit and armament.
P-38战斗机 - 百度百科
P-38战斗机于1936年由美国洛克希德公司(Lockheed)研制开始研制,由传奇人物 凯利·约翰逊 主持设计,是该公司研制的第一种军用飞机,1937年6月23日美国陆军采纳了 洛克希德 公司的设计,1939年1月XP-38原型机交付使用,1月27日首飞成功,1941年服役, [1] 其被广泛应用于太平洋战场,最著名的战绩就是在布干维尔岛上空击落 山本五十六 的座机。 [2] 1936年,美军陆航公布了一种双发截击机的设计要求,其中最大速度为576千米/小时(6100米高空时)。 1937年6 …
P-38閃電式戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
P-38“闪电”式战斗机 是 二战 时期由 美国 洛克希德公司 生产的一款雙引擎 战斗机。 为了满足 美国陆军航空軍 (USAAF, 美國空軍 前身)的要求,P-38的两具发动机分别装設在機身兩側並連結至雙 尾桁,飞行员与武器系统則設置在中央的短机身里面。 这款飞机的用途十分廣泛,可執行多種任务,包括远程的攔截,制空及护航战斗机,偵查,对地攻击,俯冲轰炸,水平轰炸等 [3]。 P-38在西南 太平洋战场 得到了最广泛也最成功的应用,其最為知名成功的一役,便是1943年4 …
P-38J-15 | War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update 1.53 "Firestorm", the P-38J-15 is a decent twin-engine fighter. The P-38J with its relatively good climb rate and air spawn, can easily climb above many fighters at its battle rating. Players should climb at about 275 km/h (173 mph) IAS for the best climb performance.
Lockheed P-38J 'Lightning' - Planes of Fame Air Museum
Easily one of the most recognizable fighters of its time because of its distinctive twin-boom design, the Lockheed P-38 Lightning was one of the most famous American warplanes of World War Two and the mount of America's two top aces—Dick Bong, who scored 40 aerial victories, and Tommy McGuire, who was credited with 38 kills.
The P-38 Lightning - WWII Aircraft Performance
The P-38J arrived soon after the H model and became prominent by early 1944. Featuring the new core-type intercoolers and re-designed oil and coolant radiator ducts, it was the first P-38 capable of using full rated power without fear of exceeding 45 degrees CAT.
Lockheed P-38 Lightning - Aviation History
The fastest of the Lightnings was the P-38J with a top speed of 420 mph, and the version produced in the greatest quantity was the "L", of which 3,735 were built by Lockheed and 113 by Vultee. After the “L” model was introduced, just about all of the mechanical problems disappeared and the P-38 became a great combat airplane.
P-38 Variation : Droop Snoot - P-38 Assn
The P‑38J (so-called “Droop Snoot”), was typically the lead plane on level bombing missions. The concept of converting a P‑38 into a “leader” bomber was from General Don Ostrander and Col. Cass S. Hough.
Lockheed P-38 Lightning - FIGHTER PLANES
2024年2月17日 · Lockheed designed the P-38 in response to a 1937 United States Army Air Corps (USAAC) request for a high-altitude interceptor, capable of 360 mph at altitude of 20,000 ft, (580 km/h at 6100 m). The Bell P-39 Airacobra and the Curtiss P-40 Warhawk were designed to meet the same request.
2021年7月18日 · p-38“闪电”,是太平洋战争中最出色的美国战斗机之一。 美军二战空中王牌前十位,第一位理查德·邦格(击落40架)、第二位托马斯·麦克奎尔(击落38架)和第七位查尔斯·麦克唐纳(击落27架)都是驾驶这款双发战斗机的。
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