Curtiss P-40 Warhawk variants - Wikipedia
The Curtiss P-40 Warhawk was a WWII fighter aircraft that was developed from the P-36 Hawk, via the P-37. Many variants were built, some in large numbers, under names including the Hawk, Tomahawk, and Kittyhawk.
Variants P-40L Warhawk, Kittyhawk II
In order to improve the Merlin-powered Warhawk's performance in short-range combat, the P-40L version was created. The P-40L (Model 87-B3) was basically a "stripped" version of the Merlin-powered P-40F-5-CU, in which 250 pounds of weight was saved by the partial removal of fuel, armament, and other equipment.
P-40戰鷹戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
P-40 戰鷹式戰鬥機 由 柯蒂斯-莱特公司 (Curtiss Wright)以該公司設計生產的 P-36戰鬥機 機體,搭配上 艾利逊发动机公司 研製的V-1710-19 液冷式發動機 結合而成的新戰鬥機。 就性能而言,P-40與1940年代初的軸心國戰機相比顯得較平庸;然而它是1941年美國正式參戰時唯一已經進入量產階段的單座戰鬥機,因此本機除了美軍自用外,也大量軍援給各 同盟國 使用,成為二戰初盟軍奮戰的象徵性機種。 1944年11月P-40停產,總共生產了13,738架,在美國戰鬥機生產記 …
Curtiss P-40 Warhawk - Wikipedia
The Curtiss P-40 Warhawk is an American single-engined, single-seat, all-metal fighter-bomber that first flew in 1938. The P-40 design was a modification of the previous Curtiss P-36 Hawk which reduced development time and enabled a rapid …
P-40战鹰战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
p-40l虽然精简了一些重量,改善了部分加速性及爬升速度,但整体性能没有显著改善,标准型p-40l在标准优势空域极速较f型时速快上4英里(6公里),并让优势空域提升到20,000英呎左右,有些极端一些的飞官还会要求继续拆到只剩2挺机枪,这时候的p-40l极速可以592 ...
尖喙利爪——P-40战鹰型号辨别(P-40F~XP-40Q) - 哔哩哔哩
战机科普:P-40战鹰战斗机 - 哔哩哔哩
p-40l虽然精简了一些重量,改善了部分加速性及爬升速度,但整体性能没有显著改善,标准型p-40l在标准优势空域极速较f型时速快上4英里(6公里),并让优势空域提升到20,000英尺左右,有些极端一些的飞官还会要求继续拆到只剩2挺机枪,这时候的p-40l极速可以592 ...
P-40战斗机 - 百度百科
P-40战斗机(英文:P-40 Fighter,代号:战鹰、战斧、小鹰),是美国一型单座单发平直翼活塞式战斗机。 P-40战斗机由美国柯蒂斯公司(Curtiss)在战前设计的P-36“鹰”的基础改进研发的战斗机,该机将发动机由“双黄蜂”星型发动机改为涡轮增压的“阿里逊”V ...
Aircraft: Curtiss P-40L Warhawk - Aero Web
In order to improve the Merlin-powered Warhawk's performance in short-range combat, the P-40L version was created. The P-40L (Model 87-B3) was basically a "stripped" version of the Merlin-powered P-40F-5-CU, in which 250 pounds of weight was saved by the partial removal of fuel, armament, and the like. The P-40L was otherwise virtually ...
Curtiss P-40 Warhawk - Military Factory
2021年4月1日 · Not an overly exceptional aircraft in any one category, the P-40 Warhawk could be a deadly fighting machine in trained hands. She fielded a formidable armament of 4 x 0.50 caliber Browning M2 heavy machine guns (with up to …