Fisher P-75 Eagle - Wikipedia
Fisher P-75A in flight. Powered by a V-3420-19 24-cylinder engine rated at 2,600 hp (1,900 kW) driving co-axial contra-rotating propellers, the XP-75 flew for the first time on 17 November 1943. The second XP-75 flew shortly thereafter, with all six long-range XP-75s entering the test program by the spring 1944.
P-75战斗机 - 百度百科
p-75a放弃了道格拉斯的现成尾翼组件,重新设计了垂尾和平尾,翼展大幅增加,翼尖也从圆形改为方形。 随后的试飞显示新尾翼有效增加了飞机的稳定性。
Fisher P-75A Eagle - National Museum of the USAF
The P-75A reflected major changes to the Eagle design that included a larger, squared-off wing, a much larger tail, and a bubble-top canopy. (U.S. Air Force photo) Photo Details / Download Hi-Res
General Motors - Fisher P-75 Eagle - Aviation History
The production model P-75A was finally ready for flight tests in September 1944, but by this time the P-38, P-47 and P-51 had much improved long-range capabilities. The USAAF decided to limit the number of aircraft combat types and production was cancelled on November 8, 1944.
Fisher (General Motors) P-75 Eagle Fighter - Old Machine Press
2019年7月20日 · The P-75A was larger, heavier, slower, and sluggish compared to fighters already in service. The production contract for the 2,500 P-75As was cancelled on 6 October 1944, and further experimental work was stopped on 8 November.
末代活塞的另一种可能?—P75战斗机 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
由于双引擎洛克希德P-38闪电战和北美P-51野马表现出出色的远程能力,P-75A Eagle的生产运行随后于1944年10月6日终止。 决定使用已完成的六次生产该飞机用于V-3420发动机的实验工作和研发。
Why America’s XP-75 Eagle Was a Turkey - HistoryNet
2020年9月10日 · The Fisher XP-75 Eagle was the worst aircraft that U.S. taxpayers bought during World War II. When the P-75 program was finally shut down in October 1944, only 14 unarmed, useless aircraft had been manufactured. Estimates vary wildly as to how much each airplane cost, but the kindest guess is about $9,375,000 in 2020 dollars.
P-75戰鬥機:發展沿革,研製背景,研製招標,建造沿革,試飛夭折,技術特 …
P-75戰鬥機(英文:P-75 Fighter),是美國 通用汽車公司於1942年為美國陸軍航空隊研製的一型戰鬥機。 該機為單座常規氣動布局,全金屬半硬殼結構,外覆承力蒙皮,採用活塞發動機、高速螺旋槳,前三點起落架。
P-75战斗机 - k.sina.cn
p-75战斗机,是美国通用汽车公司于1942年为美国陆军航空队研制的一型战斗机。 该机为单座常规气动布局,全金属半硬壳结构,外覆承力蒙皮,采用活塞发动机、高速螺旋桨,前三点起落架。
P-75战斗机 - 搜狗百科
2018年3月2日 · P-75战斗机(英文:P-75 Fighter),是美国通用汽车公司于1942年为美国陆军航空队研制的一型战斗机。 该机为单座常规气动布局,全金属半硬壳结构,外覆承力蒙皮,采用活塞发动机、高速螺旋桨,前三点起落架。