Boeing P-8 Poseidon - Wikipedia
The Boeing P-8 Poseidon is an American maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft developed and produced by Boeing Defense, Space & Security. It was developed for the United States Navy as a derivative of the civilian Boeing 737 Next Generation airliner.
P-8反潜巡逻机 - 百度百科
P-8反潜巡逻机(英文:P-8 Poseidon [1]),是美国 波音公司 设计生产的新一代海上巡逻机,用于取代老型号P-3C巡逻机。 该机主要用途为 海上巡逻 、侦察和 反潜作战,内有5个 弹仓 外有6个武器挂载点。 2021年6月2日媒体报道,美国海军第4巡逻机中队(VP-4)的P-8A反潜机发射了两枚AGM-84D“鱼叉” 反舰导弹,打击 挪威海岸 的一艘靶船。 这是美军P-8A首次在欧洲战区使用这款空对舰导弹 [11]。 2023年12月6日,美1架P-8A反潜巡逻机过航台湾海峡并公开炒作。 中国人 …
P-8I - Boeing
Designed for long-range, anti-submarine warfare (ASW), anti-surface warfare (ASuW), and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) missions, the P-8 delivers highest levels of quality, reliability, and operability.
P-8: A Proven Multi-Mission Maritime Patrol Aircraft - The Boeing …
The Boeing P-8 Poseidon is a multi-mission maritime patrol aircraft excelling at anti-submarine warfare; anti-surface warfare; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; and search and rescue. In operation worldwide, the P-8 redefines the standards of aerial defense and rescue operations in every mission it undertakes.
P-8波賽頓海上巡邏機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
P-8「波賽頓」(英語: P-8 Poseidon )是美国 波音公司所设计生产的一种海上巡邏機,並以波音737-800客機作為開發基礎,用來取代服役已久逐漸老舊化的P-3C「獵戶式」(P-3 Orion)。
P-8I Multimission Maritime Patrol Aircraft, India - Naval …
2021年11月3日 · P-8I is a long-range, multi-mission maritime patrol aircraft being manufactured by Boeing for the Indian Navy. It replaced the ageing fleet of the Indian Navy’s Tupolev Tu-142 aircraft. The P-8I aircraft is a variant of the P-8A Poseidon multimission maritime aircraft (MMA) operated by the US Navy.
Explained: P-8I, the Indian Navy’s frontline multi-mission aircraft
2022年2月25日 · The aircraft for the Indian Navy are called P-8I, and have replaced the ageing Soviet/Russian Tupolev Tu-142s. The P-8Is are capable of anti-submarine; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR); patrolling, coastline defence, and other operations.
Boeing delivers 12th P-8I maritime patrol aircraft to India
2022年2月25日 · Boeing delivered the 12th P-8I maritime patrol aircraft to India, on February 19. This is the fourth of four additional aircraft delivered under the options contract signed by the Ministry of Defence in 2016.
P-8 海神 反潜巡逻机(Poseidon) - 爱空军 iAirForce
P-8“海神”海上巡逻机(英文:P-8 Poseidon)是美国波音公司设计生产的一种海上反潜巡逻机,以波音737-800客机作为开发基础,以取代服役已久逐渐老旧的P-3C“猎户式”(P-3 Orion)。
近日强印---印度再获得一架P-8I海上巡逻机 - 哔哩哔哩
P-8I是波音公司生产的P-8A海神多任务海上巡逻机的印度版本。 P-8A海神被设计用于执行远程反潜战 (ASW)、反水面战 (ASuW)和情报、监视和侦察 (ISR)任务。 P-8A的印度变型被称为P-8I,此种飞机为印度海军执行关键的海上行动发挥着至关重要的作用,使印度海军在具有重要战略意义的印度洋地区拥有显著优势。 目前,该机在印度海军的飞行时间已经总计超过了2.5万小时,在总共12架订购的飞机中,印度已经接收了9架,这也使印度海军成为P-8机队的世界第二大运营 …