FSX/P3D Airbus A380 Mega Pack - Fly Away Simulation
A complete Airbus A380 package compatible with both FSX, FSX: Steam Edition and Prepar3D (including v4) which includes over 12 repaints for many of the original airlines who brought the A380 into their fleet. This model has been tested and confirmed working in P3Dv4.
SKYFORGE AIRBUS A380 P3DV4-6 - simMarket: 飞行模拟附加组件 …
Immerse yourself in the epitome of Airbus A380 simulation with SkyForge's latest release for Prepar3D. Our meticulously crafted aircraft stands as a testament to the best-in-class simulation, optimized for Prepar3D v4 and beyond.
PBS-A380完美整合版V1.0 BETA [最新P3Dv4/v5版]-FSX/P3D-飞行宝
2021年8月5日 · 1.燃油、载重均按照a380标准进行设置。 2.安装简化,无需再安装BBS3X0机模,直接手动安装 3.座舱升级,为后续机模升级做准备
Airbus A380 FOR PREPAR3D V4+ - AVSIM
2020年12月8日 · The purpose of this post is to announce the production of the Airbus A380 jet by Pageza Simulations. Our currently expected ETA is EARLY 2021!!! I have attached a preview photo for you. It will include all the variants of the Airbus A380 as well as a fully-functioning virtual cockpit with top of the range systems and a shared cockpit system.
Airbus A380-800 VC Air France for FSX and P3D - DOWNLOAD
2013年5月5日 · Airbus A380-800 VC Air France is compatible with Prepar3D v1 and FSX-Steam as well as FSX-SP2
AIRBUS A380 FAMILY V2 P3D - secure.simmarket.com
2017年6月2日 · The second model, the A380-800F dedicated freighter, will carry 150 tons of cargo 5,600 miles (10,400 km). Airbus made the cockpit layout, procedures and handling characteristics similar to those of other Airbus aircraft to reduce crew training costs.
2023年8月3日 · Project Airbus A380 itself is the only a380 which works in all versions of P3D. These mods will further enhance the realism while flying the a380. I've worked on majority of these mods alone over the span of 4-6 years.
- 评论数: 11
Project Airbus - 空客 A380-800 [最新P3Dv4/v5版] - 飞行宝
2023年6月24日 · A380为双层四引擎客机,采最高密度座位安排时可承载850名乘客,在典型三舱等配置(头等-商务-经济舱)下也可承载555名乘客。 A380于2005年4月27日首飞成功,并于同年的11月11日,首次跨洲试飞抵达亚洲的新加坡。 已于2006年正式付运予买家。 现时全球有十多家航空公司订购A380。 该型号的样版飞机于2004年中首次亮相,至2005年1月18日,空中客车于图卢兹厂房为首架A380举行出厂典礼,序号为001,登记号码为F-WWOW。 解压密 …
[Wave_Sim]岂止至今最完美的整合A380插件 For P3D V2/3 FSX-FSX/P3D …
2019年6月17日 · 气动使用posky的a380气动 更加逼真 解压密码(PassWord)→ http://www.fsx.org.cn/← 如需转载,请您注明作者 ,HuyaTV_18392876,WaveSimulation4590
【MAGA计划】Project Airbus A380国内涂装合集(含P3Dv4/v5机模)-FSX/P3D …
2023年1月8日 · 本帖为Project Airbus A380中国各大航司涂装合集帖,下列各涂装默认搭配PA+PMDG748整合插件使用(本帖后附),同时适用于其他使用Project Airbus A380模型的机模。如需使用PA原厂机模或其他PA380整合插件,请在安装本涂装时根据所用机模代码格式手动修改部 …
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