Dreaded P0170 and P0173 | Mercedes-Benz Forum - BenzWorld.org
2017年5月12日 · As i am driving to work i stopped at the light and the rough idle was so rough that i threw the car in neutral to stabilize it. Drove away and BAM check engine light on and …
P0170 - Fuel trim bank 1 | Mercedes-Benz Forum - BenzWorld.org
2018年11月11日 · One last update: had again the chance to drive around a bunch, check engine light has not come back. So for future reference, if you get a P0170, before you throw on an …
long term fuel trim solution - P0170 | Mercedes-Benz Forum
2009年10月6日 · I found the solution to my long term fuel trim problem. DTC (diagnostic trouble code) P0170. My mass air flow sensor was bad. I had a +30% value in the engine computer. …
2001 W210 CODES: P0300, P0303, P0150, P0170, P0173
2020年10月21日 · P0170 / P0173 usually is a result of an air leak and lesser likely a MAF issue. P0150 and the P0303 is possibly related to to the above, so you need to address the 170/173. …
Error code P0130 and P0170 - how to fix it? | Mercedes-Benz Forum
2006年11月12日 · Both cases, try cleaning the MAF and putting new intake filter in. On the Indiana boy - replace your air filters with OE Mann filters, then clean your MAF (see stickies) - …
Check Engine light and code P0170 and P0173 | Mercedes-Benz …
2006年11月19日 · The CEL light came on last nite and I took it to Autozone for reading...Came back with code P0170 and P0173. Guy at Autozone says it could be Faulty O2 sensors Mass …
Check engine light & P0170, P0173 codes | Mercedes-Benz Forum
2013年1月11日 · Codes P0170 and P0173 DOES NOT MEAN that you have a faulty MAF sensor as you already have found out. The problem could be that your fuel mixture is either too rich or …
Error P0170 Fuel Trim Malfunction, (Bank 1) believe...
2008年11月17日 · I pulled the codes P0170 Fuel Trim Malfunction, (Bank 1) which many posts point to the dreaded MAF (Mass Airflow Sensor) sensor failure. Also code PO410 Secondary …
The infamous P0170... | Mercedes-Benz Forum - BenzWorld.org
2009年1月2日 · I have a 98 C230 (non-Kompressor) with 33,000 miles on it that had the" P0170 Fuel Trim (Bank 1)" along with 2 pending DTC's, P0300 - Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire …
ONE LAST CODE LEFT!! - P0170 (all others gone)
2009年4月10日 · The car runs good. Very slight hesitation, sometimes a slight rough idle, but its slight, I drove it for about 100 miles and the CEL came on. I ran the code(s). and The only …